taking a class on the Ecology of Animal Migration taught by @PeterPMarra, @Nature_Is_Grand & Callie Stanley & we're learning abt the wonders of insect migration. So many students in the class have said that they are floored by this knowledge.

There's a lot of amazing stuff animals do in the world right underneath our noses, & bugs/arthropods often receive the short end of the stick when it comes to ppl noticing basically *anything* cool about them.

thoughts experienced by many students was just a sense of wonder --like Wow...how are there so many insects that do long-distance migrations worlds away?!


then the discussion inevitably turns to-how do you get ppl to care abt bugs? how do you get people to care abt things that are hard to see? how do insects compete where #charismaticmegafauna run the world? (let's be honest, arthropods rule the world, in all actuality...)

a student then said -- man, there sure are a lot of vertebrate chauvinists.

Y'ALL, WE ARE ALL VERTEBRATE CHAUVINISTS. time to be a little less bigoted towards all the small stuff/invertebrates that truly deserve all our love, wonder, & appreciation.


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