So Twitter being the mess it is right now with #GretaThunbergExposed and #IndiaAgainstPropaganda, and the India activists going dark, i guess the 15 year old in the U.S. has to explain the #FarmersProtest to y'all, so let me do that.
basically, first 3 farm bills were passed. 1/6
and these bills weakened regulations for farming. Now @PMOIndia thought that was a good thing, but the farmers didn't. Unfortunately, their experience of deregulation is increased corporatization and lower $ for their crops. And they're right. 2/6
we already know that less regulations leads to greater inequality, just look at Bezos Lol. So the farmers protested, and they need to be heard and the issue addressed. Now you all are probably asking why it's a climate issue 3/6
and that's because lower prices and corporatization often lead to unsustainable practices in farming, and with India being the second most populous country in the world, that's a LOT of farming!
So now why is it a global issue and why do I care in the U.S.? 4/6
Because rising inequality and decreasing sustainability affects us all, regardless of where we live. We have to stop thinking our actions don't affect each other, because they do. We all share the same planet and the same resources and it's time we own that and act like it. 5/6
anyway all you adult trolls should feel bad a 9th grader has to do the research and explain this to you. At least I can use this thread for my social studies discussion post i have due tonight.
love one another. that's all ❤️

now take it away sis @LicypriyaK
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