Today, in an effort to become a @socialistdogmom-style muckraker but for Fluvanna County, I went to the county supervisors’ meeting. I was the only non-supervisor there, and they seemed very surprised that anyone was watching at all. Anyway, my takeaway was basically: yikes.
You guys, we have a lot of work to do in the counties [aka the only semi-affordable areas adjacent to Cville] and I wish Cville folks would pay more attention to what’s happening outside of the city/Albemarle, since this whole area is a lot more interdependent than we pretend.
(Fluvanna, FYI, is red-trending purple; Nelson is REALLY purple. Just in case you think all the Dems are in Cville/Alb)
But with no public comment or public observation, the supervisors out here are making some puzzling choices, including refusing to retrofit the elementary school’s HVAC in the middle of a pandemic and writing “local militias” (?!?) into the county’s crisis response plan (?!?)
Also, they’re taking their surplus CARES act funding [WHY IS THERE SURPLUS CARES ACT FUNDING???] and just donating it to the local jail.
Also I learned that ~570 Fluvanna residents have access to broadband through CVEC. That’s not, like, per thousand, that’s total. Total! In the county! Which is large!
This was the first BoS meeting I’d gone to since moving here so I’m sure I missed some nuance, and I had to peace out because my teething kid was shrieking. But this will be the last time I’m unprepared for public comment, I’ll tell you what.
Also, I know very little about the Fluvanna supes (I haven’t been here that long) but I already have some feelings about one guy who called every woman at the meeting “young lady” and snorted that “people just want things for free” when presented with an economic case for bband.
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