#RunOn Oh Mi-joo's personality analysis. A thread:
For those of you who are familiar with MBTI, Mijoo is an INFJ.
It is the rarest personality which is why it's hard to put into words.
She's a very strong one, in fact. The one who has reached her peak of self-love, emotionally.
In the scene, she didn't run away and she faced her problems. It's not a "Let's get this over with." but more on, "You want to talk? Okay, I'll hear you out."

She understands that there's always 2 sides of the story and hearing someone's explanation is important for her.
Not because she believes them but she knows the power of words and presence.
She breaks when she's really hurt. She cries not because she's weak but because, she wants to feel it, express it, then let it go.

Here, most didn't expect she'd cry this much. That's the thing, when she explodes with emotions, it's unexpected and in secret.
She's nocturnal and works at her own pace and time during the creative hours (mornight).
She drops advices here and there like The Counselor that she is.
She knows the other perspective and mostly, speaks in a third-person perspective.
She doesn't like seeing people forcing themselves to do something they're uncomfortable with.
The concept of home for her is very important.
She's not searching for a person who completes her but a person who is complete to compliment her.

Long-term relationships are important for her. Platonic or romantic.
It's not thoroughly being possessive but more on correcting someone's mindset.

She only does it for people she cares about, in some way.
Giving constant reminders to people very close to her is normal.
She retaliates when it comes to authority figures if they're wrong. It's shown when her rage is at its peak. This is rare and should not be taken lightly.
Quoting lines, of course. She recognises the power of words enough to become a translator. She gave this book because she knows Seongyeom will relate to this.
In real life, INFJs do that a lot as a way of giving advice or making them look at another perspective.
She employs a lot of sarcasm.
It's a defense mechanism, at times. It's a way to not be swayed or be unfazed with words. As mentioned, words are quite powerful to them. The fact that she explained to Seongyeom in the scene above and this one below means that she's extremely comfortable with and cares for him.
She did lie a lot in the beginning to Seongyeom. It was a way to be unfazed by his actions and personality.
Because INFJs have a gut feeling that they can't ignore. A sixth sense. They are psychics.

She knew she was going to fall. Hard. This is why she was awfully worried about rejection.

She's overthinking everything at this point for a reason.
The downside to her INFJ personality is that when she's focused on her job, she neglects her physical well-being.

She loves food but routinary tasks such as preparing them can be troublesome. Yet, she can resort to repetitive drinking of juice.

This is common.
This is one of those contradictions with INFJs. Hates one thing but does something almost similar to it.

Gives advice about emotional well-being but she neglects her physical well-being.
Loves to eat food outside (referring to When Hungry, Just Bang) but does not eat good food at home.

It's because of her preference to company (May and Seongyeom). That's the only time you see her eating good food and enjoying it a lot.
INFJs are extremely picky. You have to pass several gates to win them over. They value authencity more than the average person.

Ki Seongyeom is a rare gem and is often misinterpreted due to his genuineness. This is why Mijoo is drawn to him.
They know what hurts them and if they are emotionally developed, their coping mechanisms kick in.

It's not easy to say this for her, considering she's a fighter. Why did she suddenly say this to Seongyeom? The answer is that she was triggered because it happened in the past.
She's protecting herself from being more hurt in the future. Yet, she's not blaming him.

This episode, aside from confessing her sarcasm, really gave her away as an INFJ.
She can apologize for the sake of harmony. That's another downside to her personality that Seongyeom sees.
However, do not forget this scene. She showed her crazy side. Why? Because the mother is a stranger to her.

She could careless about harmony, as long as she won't let the woman make fun of her "little sister" now.
And yes, that's a contradiction that INFJs know well. Close friends can attest to this. To strangers? Probably that crazy woman or man that mocked them and walked out.
Another huge clue! INFJs drop this a lot (first message). No matter what. If in some way you are close or close to someone they love, they will give you space but remind you this:

"I am here for you. I am willing to listen."

Whichever works.
Their conscience will not let them live until they drop that kind of message to someone they know who's struggling.
How can she handle Danah's personality? The chameleon personality it is. She's not easily offended by this INTJ(?). Danah was unmistakably drawn to Mijoo. A rare personality finds another rare personality. It's surreal for Danah. She can just say what she wants.
As another way of blending with another person's personality, Tae Oh found a noona (big sister) in her. Same with Woosik, of course. She's that reliable sister they didn't anticipate they'd meet.
Have you noticed that she's not in conflict with anyone aside from Seongyeom's dad?

She's charming. She can win people over easily and know their secrets without asking for it (Mr. Jeong's cats is an example). She knows what to talk about and instantly, a person's eyes light up.
The fact that Ki Seongyeom can retort well to her words is another reason he won her over.

She's witty, he's witty. It's a perfect match!
This is why we're engrossed with their dialogues. Lowkey but decent flirting.
It looks cute to an outsider but it is because of her unparalleled wit that this happens. A lot.
But before that, she was confusing to Seongyeom. Towards a person of her interest, she made herself hard to read. Classic INFJ.
You can read blogs online or how people ask in Quora or Reddit to decipher INFJs' actions. It's crazy that it's a lot. The contradiction is that they're quite open but hard to know the real them especially if they're romantically interested.
Before romance, friendship first. She's a classic INFJ--it just screams here.
Now, I'm laughing at how many are confirming they are INFJs with this thread. I'll continue. I knew it that INFJs were drawn here.

The actors Siwan and Sekyung are ENFJs in real life while Sooyoung and Tae Oh are INFJs.
The rarest personalities were drawn to the lines of this drama.

The writers are probably belonging in this group too. Add in the INTJs, they're also the rarity.

INFPs are watching this for the feels. They need Mi-joo's INFJ advice in this life.

I'll continue later. Please wait
If one encounters a healthy INFJ like Mijoo, she can be the good influence to people close to her. Notice how Eunbi reacted to Seongyeom's words. A sister couldn't even change him that much. Given their slightly strained relationship.
He didn't change for love. It was more like he grew as a person. That's the power of the healthy INFJs like Mijoo. Don't put a "normalize being a good influence" trope here. Mind you, it was more on reminders. It wasn’t forced.
She wanted him to arrive to his own conclusion. His own way of self-love. That's how real INFJs function: the natural-born counselors.
Communication is key in a healthy relationship? Yes and well, it's a healthy INFJ Mijoo that is at it again. If she is solo with a fellow introvert, she adapts to become the extrovert or at least bring up the topic or questions.
Respect, permission, privacy, space...

She truly values them.
And well, she expects the same to the people around her.
Good thing, Seongyeom knows this. Whenever he called, it always started with, "Are you busy/working?"
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