I'm writing an entire series of essays called

"12 Rules for Bitcoin"

I'll be looking at the deeper philosophy of Bitcoin & it's impact on the world through the lens of @jordanbpeterson's work.

I hope it inspires him to look deeper.
Part 1 is now live: https://svetski.medium.com/bitcoin-hierarchy-territory-5df097486940
2/ Jordan’s first rule in the book is “Stand up straight, with your shoulders back”.

The essence of the lesson is how by owning oneself and taking responsibility the individual can influence their hormonal & dopaminergic systems & thus their position in the social hierarchy
3/ We live in a world with finite territory, and much like any other species, including the now-famous Lobsters, our ability to subsist relies on how well we select, protect and handle our territory (aka; private property in a more anthropomorphic sense).
4/ Hierarchy being a critical piece here.
Pecking orders are natural phenomena, and found across all living systems. Hierarchies have to develop because life cannot exist without some form of selection, and this cannot exist without prioritisation.
5/ Natural hierarchies are dynamic: they adjust, evolve, deconstruct & re-emerge, but fiat hierarchies are prone to catastrophic collapse because through monopolisation and the incessant need to control, they deviate further from natural order and become increasingly fragile.
6/ Nature is perfect in its imperfection and the result is a naturally unequal distribution of everything from skills, to values, to likes, dislikes, shapes, sizes, interests, resources, effort, and everything else one can perceive.
7/ The ONLY thing that should be equal in the world is equality in probability. This means the game we’re all playing remains dynamic, because we all have skin in the game.

This is by & large how hierarchies naturally emerge....
8/ ....grow, correct and persist, unless of course there is a mechanism via which those at the top can remove their skin from the game, and thus remove the natural equality in probability inherent to stable, emergent systems (after which they decay & collapse).
9/ Nature selects for fitness.
Fitness is that which is ever more accurately approximated across time, and it’s important to note that it’s neither a linear process, nor one that is always trending toward more fitness.
It’s like a dance with a direction across time..
10/ There is a natural selection process we as individuals make in our pursuit of economic survival. I’ve called it “Economic Darwinism” and it’s related to Gresham’s Law (ie; good money pushes out bad money).

Which is why we select the money that best performs...
11/...the three key functions of money:

Store of Value (as close to fixed in supply as possible to map to time & energy)

Medium of Exchange (must be uncensorable. Bearer asset is best)

Unit of Account (measure all other goods with it and have a way to measure against all else)
12/ Making the wrong selection relegates us to poverty & diminishes our capacity to cooperate and interact with the rest of society
As such, we are incentivised to converge and select the fittest mechanism via which the product of our labour can be stored, exchanged and measured.
13/ Status is the metaphysical relationship between us & the rest of the world
It’s our relationship to not only the dynamic distribution of all the resources, wealth, skills, shapes, sizes, etc in the world, but our position in the multitude of hierarchies across every dimension
This is where the rubber meets the road, and why our systems are hormonally, neurologically and biologically wired the way they are.

"The part of our brain that regulates where we sit in the dominance hierarchy is as old as life."
- @jordanbpeterson
15/ Individuals have the capacity to voluntarily and wilfully “stand up straight with their shoulders back” in order to influence these processes & therefore what matters in a system, or a society, is enabling mobility. In other words the freedom for the individual to take action
16/ #BitcoinFixesThis
With #Bitcoin , humans can truly stand up straight with their shoulders back because:

Private property is not only recognised, but integral to the system.
17/ It is unable to be coopted by any individual, organisation or institution and is thus able to naturally correct should hierarchies become deformed by fiat or by decree.
18/ In using math as its form of protection / guarantee / security, it lowers the cost of defence, increases the cost of attack and therefore tilts the inherent incentives of human interaction toward more voluntary cooperation instead of coercive dominion.
19/ #Bitcoin enables organic, ergodic and most importantly naturally dynamic hierarchies of competence to form, which are more robust, anti-fragile and more immune to corruption by fiat.
20/ #Bitcoin allows for natural Pareto distributions to re-emerge, and to normalise because of innovation & the competitive nature of markets in which monopolies cannot subsist (because a focal monopoly on money is non-existent).
21/ The relatively static nature of status that we see today begins to dissolve because downside risk is reintroduced and upside potential is once again accessible by those who want it — no matter who or where they are.
22/ Status becomes mobile once again and tied to competence, skill, talent, effort, passion and input, instead of fiat.

@jordanbpeterson's opening chapter is a treasure trove of information that one could write an entire book about.
23/ The more we allow Natural Order to emerge from Chaos without trying to grasp & stifle it out of an insecure need to make it static, the more we’ll see the dynamic selection process that is nature do its thing, forming Lindy-compatible structures & hierarchies.
24/ Finally..

It’s not who’s driving the train, but how the tracks are laid that really matters.
Bitcoin is the new train track.
With it we can continue to manifest the promise of not just the West but the wisdom of nature & existence.
See you in the next chapter…
Fin/ Thankyou for the work you've done @jordanbpeterson.

I would love to discuss this series with you on a Podcast at some stage.

@MikhailaAleksis - if you can help line it up (assuming this piece & the rest of the series is thought provoking enough).
You can follow @AleksSvetski.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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