Do you charge your customers monthly?

You should double your prices.

Yes, seriously.

Here's why 👇🏻🧵
I know what you are thinking...

"I will lose customers"
"People will be mad at me"
"Won't less people sign up?"

Yes, all of those will happen.

But your goal isn't to have the most customers...your goal is to build a sustainable, profitable business.
There are three ways to increase grow your business:

#1: Grow your number of customers
#2: Improve your existing customer lifetime value
#3: Cut your overhead & expenses

Too many people focus on they undercharge and *hopefully* overdeliver in order to gain customers.
By only focusing on #1 you are setting up your business for failure as you scale.

You have to support more customers (expensive)
You have to spend more time/energy (burnout)
You don't have enough margin to support growth (stagnation)

Increasing your prices fixes all of these.
1⃣ Fewer Customers = Fewer Headaches

Less email contacts (expensive @Mailchimp)
Less support staff (costs money + time)
Less infrastructure costs (margin killer)
Less SAAS subscriptions (yikes)
Less angry emails at 2am (f*ck that)
2⃣Higher Prices = Better Value For Your Customers

Spend more time with each customer
Spend more time improving your product
Spend more time expanding your offer

Stop watering down your value to fit your low prices.

Charge what you are worth and DELIVER.
2⃣Fewer Customers + Higher Prices = More Time + More Money

More money for ad campaigns (get more leads)
More money for sales people (close more deals)
More time for improving your offer (deliver better value)
More time for creating new revenue streams (more $$$)
5⃣More Time + More Money = Faster Growth

More money for ad campaigns (get more leads)
More money for sales people (close more deals)
More time for improving your offer (deliver better value)
More time for creating new revenue streams (more $$$)
And yes, the math makes sense.

Double your prices.
Lose 50% of your customers.
Earn the same money.
Spend 50% less time and money.

Invest that time and money into GROWTH 🚀
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