For those that remember the 90's, right now is incredibly frustrating. Things weren't perfect, but there was a sense of building progress. Environmentalism took off in good ways, self-exploration was slowly encouraged, gender norms bent.
Everything changed when Fox News attacked.
By 2000, that lying poison had been poured in the ears and eyes of so many middle-aged white people who could not handle change that they basically used the 2000 election to destroy the sapling progress being made through an influx of evangelical BS with W and his handlers.
During that time, they and other sources all over media began the process of completely infantilizing the next generation(s) of coming adults. They willfully made it sound like all our ideas were childish dreams because we were doing the same things everyone does in their 20's.
For 2 decades in one way or another, they have lied and demanded regressive policies in the name of greed. We can't move forward because that might impact the wrong group's exorbitant profits, so any lie to stymie progress became acceptable and lies got bigger and more pervasive.
That meant our wages stagnated, the situation with our climate got worse and worse, and every time we've tried to do something about it, a horde of brainwashed zealots have screamed "hoax" and "conspiracy" while the same people at the top gerrymandered to stay in power forever.
For those of us that came up in the 90's we're seeing our entire adult lives largely screwed and stolen by this house of lies funded by oil barons. We've seen the potential promise of that time willfully destroyed, and this hellscape is just "normal" for the next generation.
So when some people in their late 30's and early 40's seem very, very pissed off in one way or another, there's a good chance this is a big part of it. The promise of a decent future was ripped away from us for the delusions of the aging and the profits of the malevolent.
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