. @GOPLeader These are hollow words from the most cynical of men. I knew Kevin McCarthy well once or thought I did. Kevin McCarthy demands accommodation for antisemitism and her poisonous conspiracy theories. He blames @LeaderHoyer for protecting the integrity of the institution? https://twitter.com/gopleader/status/1357081689856606217
. @GOPLeader is a shameless man. He is the type of man who poisoned our democracy with his cynical embrace of the big lie and advised his caucus that it was an “easy vote” to throw out the votes of millions of Americans including millions of Black Americans to achieve an outcome
which would have made the loser of the election, the first American dictator and ended the Republic. He is the type of man who will cynically pay his respects to the flag draped coffin of a police officer who was murdered by the violence caused by his
Incitements and lying. @GOPLeader is the Puyi of the Potomac. He rules over his insular Manchukuo with puppet like predictability. The Freedom Caucus pulls his strings, @GOPLeader believes they hold the keys to his fantasy of the Speakers Gavel.
. @GOPLeader lacks the strategic acumen to understand that the power they once wielded to deny him the Speakers Chair didn’t require his capitulation to their insanities and hypocrisy. It is that capitulation that has broken the House Conference. @GOPLeader equals chaos forever.
Soon we will announce the partnerships that will deny his Conference tens of millions of dollars in donations. That money is gone forever because of the vote on the 6th of January. It means McCarthy’s finance operation will be increasingly reliant on the Trump crazies and Qanon
Small donors. It’s a death spiral and @GOPLeader is at the wheel. McCarthy, playing the role of Bakersfield Bohrman to the delusional Duce of Mara Lago has made clear that Trump is the past; the present and the eternal future of the GOP.
There is a simple truth and it must not be forgotten or evaded. The flag of the United States was ripped down and the Maga flag raised over it within the hallowed grounds of the US Capitol. The transition of power was not peaceful; it was blood soaked. That blood is on McCarthy
like it is on Trump @SenTedCruz @HawleyMO. Lastly, let’s be clear about something else. Qanon conspiracy theory is simply an update on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. McCarthy denounces antisemitism while sheltering the antisemite by creating a smokescreen of bad faith
Accusations against responsible leaders like @LeaderHoyer who are reacting to the startling clarity of @mtgreenee hatreds and extremism. @GOPLeader stands clearly in the light of day. He stands in open coalition with the seditionist, militia extremists, white supremacists
and conspiracy loons. @GOPLeader has made his deal and has made his conference a party to it. They will all be his hostages until they aren’t. McCarthy is weaker tonight then he was this morning. @ProjectLincoln looks forward to the fight.
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