You shouldn't seek to prove your hypotheses right. *If you're a scientist, you should only seek to prove them wrong.* This is widely accepted & has been naturalized long enough to be normative. So WHAT are we doing to pain patients?

#Science #EpistemicViolence

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It appears a twisted form of methodological skepticism is being forced on us. #Patients are routinely told by psychologists, who don't treat physical diseases or injuries, that the psychologists' & drs' Cartesian doubt about a patients' subjective knowledge of their OWN ...
physical experience, is a MEDICAL TREATMENT. What do I mean?

Translation: Patients must simply accept that pain is inherently in one's own mind because perceptions of one's own sensory in/output are interpreted by the brain via electrical impulses. "I think therefore I am."
If we'd just "accept" our pain, we'd no longer be disabled by it. We're "lazy," we've "adopted the sick role," we're "addicts" & must yoga our way out "false belief;" BUT, we must yoga with a baby goat standing on our head @ exactly 12AM while chewing gum w/mercury in retrograde.
Meaning: It's OUR perception of our own sensory experience that is "defective," not our bodies. We only "believe" we are in pain. False belief. It couldn't possibly be the psych's are overstepping bounds or attempting to dominate the hard sciences with pseudoscientific quackery.
In essence, we see denial of relief & rationed care based on: 1. Cartesian skepticism (pain exists in the mind alone & can be willed away because it doesn't really exist outside of our own perceptions, nothing does, and/or if pain is simply "accepted" as our constant companion...
functional disabilities can be "overcome" without any med intervention in the face of objectively painful injuries or disease states. Unless it's cognitive behavioral therapy to show us how "defective" our "perceptions" of our sensory data are). This is philosophy, NOT medicine.
And yet, it's meant to, and HAS REPLACED real physical relief. People are just beginning to understand the trick that was played on them. The ominous "they" needed diversions while step number 2 was being implemented quietly across the board. Note: ARRA & ACA passed in 2009-10.
It wasn't until 2015-16, that we really began to see the narrative of "the dual crises of pain and opioid dependence, overdose, and death in the United States." (source: National Pain Strategy). Yet the plan for pain care that's emerged under the NPS was PLANNED BEFORE THAT(2011)
If you understand how a claim becomes naturalized, you'll understand step 2.

2. Rapid proliferation of low and no evidence alternatives (introduce profound bias into the "evidence-base" from which scientists draw to reach a consensus). "Generating the evidence."
Step 1:
Diversion, narrative, misuse of stats, "guidelines," etc.

Step 2:
Pump BILLIONS into "comparative effectiveness research," intentionally FAIL to test long term efficacy/safety of opioids while pointing to DEBUNKED stats saying they're too dangerous. Call it "science."
FAIL to implement a real outcomes framework that's very unlikely to be manipulated by special interests.

FAIL to provide real updates on information surfacing that disproves establishment claims.

FAIL to retract unscientific practice standards evolved into de facto law.
FAIL to enforce conflicts of interest policies in federal rule-making/workgroups.

FAIL to stop spending taxpayer $ on PR campaigns to convince people unscientific practice standards are desperately required, cite debunked stats.

FORCE new "foundational beliefs"-Naturalize them.
FAIL to track harms in the population group you forced the interventions on.

FAIL to show a return on investment for taxpayers.

FAIL to acknowledge a MOUNTAIN of empirical EVIDENCE that proves mass population HARM caused by rapidly proliferating low/no evidence "alternatives"
FAIL to acknowledge the studies showing the establishment narrative is WRONG.

CONTINUE "generating evidence," funneling an undisclosed amount of tax dollars into PR campaigns to convince Americans of a false reality, reinforce KNOWN lies, ask for more money.. I could go on & on.
This is NOT science. Also, I can PROVE it's not science. See tweet #1. If those pushing the anti-opioid narrative spent even a fraction of time attempting to DISPROVE their spurious claims (e.g., "patients are being harmed by prescribed medicines at alarming rate") they'd find ..
their narrative obliterated... Within HOURS. Addiction rate < 1%, OD <. It's unscience & it's killing people. I'll provide a few examples in my book. But if you want to learn more now, read Karl Popper's work. Popper tried to solve the demarcation problem with falsifiability, ...
but some, especially in the field of psychology, are bucking this as "false" in principle/application. Why? Because it's inconvenient for them. Psychology isn’t a hard science. At best, it's a soft science, and therefore it cannot abide by such rules in practice. They KNOW this.
Just as they claim our own sensory experience is too subjective, their perceptions of our pain/function/QOL are even moreso. + FORCED SUFFERING IS UNETHICAL. You're being force fed a lie by those who understand the psychology of lies & how they're naturalized. Repeat = naturalize
The $$$ signs are twinkling in the eyes of grifters as they force a paradigm shift in what's accepted as science. A revolution in human stupidity: claiming every possible experience & its "cure" as subjective: thus untestable & unfalsifiable. Freud did the same.

PROVE me wrong.
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