CAUTION!!! Today, one of our Fire Investigators visited the home of a Kamloops resident, that may have had a close call involving a freestanding lamp that is currently being sold locally. The lamp may have caused a small fire, under some unusual circumstances...
Technically, there did not appear to be anything wrong or malfunctioning with the lamp. The cause apparently had nothing to do with electricity. The homeowner had placed the lamp on a bedside table, near a south-facing window, with the owner's manual placed beside it...
The base of the lamp is constructed of several stacked, clear spheres. Every indication suggests that when the sun shone through the bedroom window, one of the spheres focused the rays into a beam (the "magnifying-glass" effect) that eventually caused the paper to burn!
Thankfully, this did not result in a large fire-- but if you own a lamp like this, you might want to reconsider where you place it!!!
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