Don't ever, ever let any ~ADHD influencer~ make you feel as though there's a perfect set of solutions that will magically relieve you of every woe ADHD has ever caused you... and you just haven't figured it out yet.
Real talk, I've hit a total wall today. My email is a mess. Patreon is a lost cause. It seems like all of the projects I'm supposed to be managing... I've managed to drop. And I'm convinced I've let everyone down.
And initially, I had this thought like, I'm supposed to know better. And then I remembered the oh-so-inconvenient truth, which is that ADHD is a disability, and that means it is *disabling.*

I haven't failed. I'm doing my best. And that's going to look different every day.
You didn't do anything wrong. All of us are expected to manage so much information, so much input, and structure it all in a way we can somehow maintain? During a global pandemic? It's an executive function nightmare.
You're going to drop some projects, disappoint some folks, and get lost in the avalanche of email, demands, expectations. None of that means you're a failure.

And I know it sounds ridiculous, but for real, IT'S OKAY. Anyone who's judging you for that can kick rocks.
The secret about ADHD that you're looking for isn't in a calendar or bujo spread or some fancy app. The real secret is that giving less fucks, and letting good enough be ENOUGH, will take you so much further than a passion planner.
So here's to giving less fucks. I am avoiding my email right now. I suck at Patreon. I can't seem to manage my twenty-whatever open projects I have.

And who cares? It's all going to be okay. I'll get to it when I get to it. I can deal with the rest.
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