I am currently getting ready to watch the Health and Mental Health Policy Committee Hearing for the #Missouri House. Follow along for updates on the meeting with Dr. Williams and the administrative COVID team. (Live stream available on House website.) #moleg #hmh #covid19
The committee was just called to order. #moleg #missouri #hmhcommittee #covid19
Robert Knodell and Dr. Randall Williams were just introduced. Chair Mike Stephens is currently reading a prepared statement on the pandemic and importance of this hearing. #moleg #missouri #hmhcommittee #COVID19
The Administration's COVID team will be giving testimony, followed by questions from the committee. #moleg
Dr. Williams says he met with Robert Knodell on January 28th, 2020 to brief him on COVID in Missouri. Williams says that he continues to meet with him everyday. Dr. Williams also offered clarification as to why the committee was rescheduled from a week ago. #moleg #missouri
Dr. Williams urges people to go to vaccination events, during his State of the State briefing. Williams stated Missouri has the 7th/8th fewest cases in the past 7 days, for the last month. Williams pointed out no major post-holiday surge. #moleg #hmhcommittee #Missouri
Missouri has less cases than surrounding states per 100K people. Dr. Williams says their goal is to prioritize vaccination for most vulnerable. #moleg #vaccine #missouri #hmhcommittee
Dr. Williams points out the pharmacy vaccination partnership and the lack of doses given out by these facilities. The news regarding the Federal partnership to get vaccines to pharmacies was brought up as well. #moleg #Missouri #hmhcommittee #vaccine
The vaccine eligibility program is being detailed, starting with First-Responders, 65+, and those with pre-existing conditions. 85,000 vaccines are being received each week. #moleg #vaccine #hmhcommittee #health
Dr. Williams says any criticism should be given to the vaccinators, not his team. Williams says it is up to them to give vaccines and report, there is no state stockpile. #moleg #missouri #covid19 #hmhcommittee
"Equitable distribution," says Dr. Williams is an important part of using the healthcare systems to disseminate the vaccine. National Guard activation is being detailed. #moleg #missouri #covid19 #vaccine #hmhcommittee
@HealthyLivingMo Director, Dr. Williams, says there is a map of where every vaccine is, where they have been given, and they know where their weaknesses are. This is the National Guard vaccination event location reasons. #missouri #moleg #vaccine #nationalguard #hmhcommittee
Missouri has given 553,000 doses of vaccine, at 7%, according to Dr. Williams. Giving the vaccine to those who need it, and equitably is very important, says Dr. Williams. #moleg #missouri #vaccine #mhmcommittee
Currently Dr. Williams is detailing the hospital map of distributors, state the requirements of hospitals to use it within 7 days, to record it, and to reach out to the communities. #moleg #covid19 #vaccine #missouri #mhmcommittee
There are issues with committee members seeing the slideshow. Anyone on the live stream is not able to see the slides in real time at all. #missouri #moleg #mhmcommittee #vaccine #covid19
Interestingly, in the committee hearing not all members are wearing masks, while listing to how dangerous COVID-19 is, and how few vaccines are available. #moleg #mhmcommittee
The map being detailed is also on https://covidvaccine.mo.gov/map/ , the slides will "absolutely" be made available later to at least the committee. #moleg #missouri #mhmcommittee #vaccine #covid19
@RobertKnodell of @GovParsonMO 's office will now be testifying in front of the committee. #moleg #mhmcommittee #missouri #covid19
Every department has been involved in the COVID-19 vaccination effort, according to Knodell. The Administration team will now be answering questions. #moleg #missouri #vaccine #mhmcommittee
Chair Stephens asks for priority for Missouri Capitol staff to be vaccinated, regardless of prior eligibility. Dr. Williams said no. #moleg #missouri #vaccine #covid19 #mhmcommittee
http://mostopscovid.com  is the site Dr. Williams says for vaccine tracking. Dr. Williams passed the question off about equitable distribution. #moleg #missouri #vaccine #covid19 #mhmcommittee
The teams says, "we recognize," that changes need to be made. Brings up higher %s in south-eastern Missouri compared to their population %. #moleg #missouri #vaccine #covid19 #mhmcommittee
Currently the tiers are being explained as to why they include certain persons. This is to explain the equitable vaccinations. #moleg #vaccine #missouri #covid19 #mhmcommittee
The virus consistently impacts minority populations, a concern being addressed by the Parson Administration team. The logistical issues are being brought up as a reason for low vaccination rates in certain areas. #moleg #missouri #vaccine #mhmcommittee #covid19
Moderna versus Pfizer vaccines and their logistics are still being used as explanation for the reasons as to our low vaccine %s. #moleg #missouri #mhmcommittee #COVID19
Rankning Minority Member Rep. @AppelbaumMO71 begins her 7 minutes of questions now. Brings up the later availability of the slideshow. #moleg #missouri #vaccine #covid19 #mhmcommittee
Rep. Appelbaum asks why only ~53% of vaccines have been given. Knodell says it is "complicated." #moleg #missouri #covid19 #vaccine #mhmcommittee
Rep. Appelbaum also brings up the discrepancy between Missouri population (18th in the country). #missouri #moleg #vaccine
@AppelbaumMO71 asks Knodell to stop so she could ask more questions. @RobertKnodell talked over her and continues speaking. #moleg #missouri #vaccine #covid19 #mhmcommittee
Rep. Appelbaum brings up the letter sent to Dr. Williams from the St. Louis Council. The letter states the amount of vaccines for STL given by the state is only enough for ~5% of the population. #moleg #missouri #vaccine #covid19 #mhmcommittee
St. Louis County is being given their own vaccination program each week, according to Dr. Williams. Dr. Williams details last week's STL vaccination event. #moleg #missouri #covid19 #mhmcommittee
Rep. Appelbaum gets cut off on her questions as to what phase and level Missouri is on, due to time. The questioning moves on to another committee member. #moleg #missouri #covid19 #vaccine #mhmcommittee
This is the letter Rep. @AppelbaumMO71 was reading from: https://twitter.com/lisadclancy/status/1357053320762953736
If we could, we would vaccinate everyone today, said by the COVID team. Proportional vaccination is key, and lack of doses is what the main issue is, says the team. #moleg #missouri #covid19 #vaccine #mhmcommittee
We will give it to providers as soon as possible, according to the team. There are both pre-registered events and first come first serve. #moleg #missouri #covid19 #vaccine #mhmcommittee
Vaccine doses go straight to vaccinators, never to state. There is no depot or state warehouse, according Dr. Williams. #vaccine #missouri #covid19 #mhmcommittee #moleg
Dr. Williams is uncertain as to the supply rates and future shipments by the government. #moleg #missouri #mhmcommittee #covid19
When will we reach heard immunity? Dr. Williams says nationally 75%, 3/4 million Missourians needs to be vaccinated for herd immunity. #moleg #missouri #mhmcommittee #covid19
Communication concerns over older citizens being not "tech savvy" brought up. Also the Representative wishes the news media was more positive. #moleg #missouri #mhmcommittee #COVID19
Statewide vaccine registration portal is in "soft launch" and the COVID hotline will be available for vaccine signups. #moleg #missouri #covid19 #vaccine #mhmcommittee
The message of an elected official taking off a mask on a livestream, during a COVID briefing is not positive to Missourians. #committee #missouri #moleg #covid19 #mhmcommittee
We did not see the uptick among hospital staff, according to Dr. Williams. #moleg #covid19 #missouri #mhmcommittee #vaccine
Why are antigen tests not being included in the totals? Dr. Williams says 23 states don't report it and it doesn't change anything. Also, he is uncertain how the rankings would actually change based on %s. #moleg #missouri #covid19 #vaccine #mhmcommittee
Law Enforcement Officers being included at their Level is being explained. Also, the connection between the State and STL is being explained for vaccines for First Responders. #moleg #missouri #vaccine #covid19 #mhmcommittee
Why are homeless persons not in Level 1 for vaccines? Also the inequality in include all Law Enforcement Officers in Level 1 is being questioned, based on not all officers are in high-contact places. #moleg #missouri #mhmcommittee #covid19 #vaccine
No home healthcare workers have been contacted by the state, in STL, according to a committee member. The answer is, they are working on it. #moleg #missouri #mhmcommittee #covid19 #vaccine
Details: https://twitter.com/MOLegDems/status/1357110942782402566
When will retail pharmacists get their vaccine doses? Beginning February 11th, unknown if Moderna or Pfizer vaccine will be at these locations. Knodell points out its a federal program. #moleg #missouri #covid19 #vaccine #mhmcommittee
At the National Guard events, medical students (who are able to) are giving the vaccines, according to Knodell. Soon they will be reaching out to pharmacists, other doctors, etc. #moleg #missouri #vaccine #covid19 #mhmcommittee
ICUS, large medical centers, etc. are being prioritized for vaccine shipments. More places have been approved than are receiving vaccines. #moleg #missouri #covid19 #vaccine #mhmcommittee
How are surpluses from mass vaccine events being handled? Are hospitals reporting wasted vaccines, if not used in the proper amount of time? #moleg #missouri #vaccine #covid19 #mhmcommittee
Follow up appointments are made for those who can not make events, the contingency plan for surplus. #moleg #mhmcommittee #missouri #covid19
Every wasted vaccine is reported, although it is currently 0% in major hospitals. #moleg #missouri #vaccine #covid19 #mhmcommittee
Wasted vaccine numbers will be made public, according to Dr. Williams. #moleg #missouri #covid19 #vaccine #mhmcommittee
Federal government gives data to states on vaccine supply and distribution weekly. This is why the large scale events by the Governor are announced weekly. #moleg #missouri #covid19 #vaccine #mhmcommittee
Are there guidelines or standard practices by the @HealthyLivingMo for outpatient therapy? Because of the variance in the effects of the disease, "it is very hard," says Dr. Williams. #moleg #covid19 #missouri #vaccine #mhmcommittee
A representative who has previously (not currently affected) tested positive for COVID is not wearing a mask. #moleg
"At least there are people talking to each other," Dr. Williams. #moleg #missouri #covid19 #vaccine #mhmcommittee
Reps. from both Urban and Rural say their districts feel forgotten, as major vaccination events are being held in other places. #moleg #missouri #vaccine #covid19 #hmhcommittee
Again, the team states that they are working to fix the problems seen above. There will be small-scale vaccine events by the state in urban areas. The majority of urban vaccination will be done by hospitals. #moleg #missouri #vaccine #covid19 #hmhcommittee
Once again Dr. Williams describes the different tiers and levels for healthcare workers versus other professions. This is because they would know who needs it most, according to Dr. Williams. #moleg #vaccine #missouri #covid19 #hmhcommittee
Out-patient medical professionals have been "thrown into the masses" even though they are "treating patients daily". Dr. Williams says he understands, but there are no changes coming. #moleg #missouri #vaccine #covid19 #hmhcommittee
Rep. O'Donnell says his 20 yo son has COVID, and was in good health, in response to Dr. Williams saying the 45 yo dentist isn't in as much danger. #moleg #missouri #covid19 #vaccine #hmhcommittee
Dr. Williams endgame is 100% vaccination of Missouri, for those who want it. #moleg #missouri #vaccine #covid19 #hmhcommittee
@GovParsonMO said in the State of the State all data would be available, it is not yet all publicly viewable on the dashboard. Dr. Williams said they are looking at next week, #moleg #missouri #covid19 #vaccine #hmhcommittee
What are CDC guidelines for reporting? There are multiple reporting numbers, some include the federal program, some not. The Admin Team says they want transparency, but also understanding. #covid19 #missouri #vaccine #moleg #missouri
The formal, timed questioning period is over. Now the open questioning will begin. Chair Stephen has limited questions to 30 minutes. #moleg #missouri #covid19 #vaccine #hmhcommittee
Dr. Williams says he talked with Sen. @HawleyMO about the corporation partnerships for the vaccine distribution programs. Knodell says there are issues with the number for allocation for this program. #moleg #missouri #vaccine #covid19 #hmhcommittee
The corporate partnership allocation was directed by the Federal government, based on bed count and staff count. However, these numbers aren't accurate and aren't being used or available to the majority of the public, says Knodell #moleg #missouri #covid19 #vaccine #mhmcommittee
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