I've been seeing a lot of tweets from digital and social members of smaller organizations and brands that are trying to bring in paid social and digital advertising in-house, and I have a couple of things to share.💜

A short(ish)🧵

It takes a significant amount of time to set up your Business Manager and Google Ads Manager, as well as figuring out the time to set up your audience segments, your pixels and event codes, and creating these ads.

Dedicate some of your time to set all these up.

There are so many good resources for smaller businesses, orgs, and brands to look into paid social and digital ads. Consider @Google Skillshop, @Facebook Blueprint, and @Twitter Flight when learning some of these processes.

Don't count out YouTube tutorials as well.

The majority of the time why smaller brands and organizations want to bring everything in-house is b/c they want to cut costs in paying agency fees and minimum $ media buys.

HOWEVER✨ what is the cost of your time focusing on these projects, away from your other tasks?
From my experiences, the initial setup has become easier to do and the duplicate buttons have been my best friend.

BUT I've had to learn to juggle between paid and organic content strategy, creation, and analysis, plus all other digital marketing efforts.

It's A LOT ✨
With that said though! I honestly enjoy it and the chaos that goes with it.💜

If you have any suggestions or thoughts, please feel free to share! I love collaborating resources with my #MarketingTwitter peers.

Also, shout out to the one-team social and digital teams there.🙌
You can follow @angelojasa.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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