I have been a #BTSARMY for 5 years now. I have seen the fandom grow year after year as BTS grew and evolved as artists. But I have never seen #BTSARMY cower even in front of the biggest fandom back then who literally targeted us (You know who I am talking about) until NOW! 🥺💜
We were sent hate threats, were jumped on by conservative nationalists, mass harassed by media and radio DJs, called names, bullied, ignored, baited, used... But we stood strong and firm for BTS. Because we trusted and respected them over everyone else. 🥺💜 #BTSARMY
But now I have seen ARMY cowering in fear of solos/Mantis and victimizers. Who are they? Where did they come from? No one knows. But ya'll let them have a bigger voice and more say in BTS's OWN Music, life and career than #BTS themselves. 🥺💜 #BTSARMY
It didn't happen overnight. When we started to give them more importance than the boys, turn against ARMY with PROVEN history of support because of a ss out of context, believed a new account spreading hate more than ya believed in the boys, it started then and it kept growing 🥺
I kept warning ya'll but I was told I was creating problem where none exist. It's no big deal. But you see what ya'll enabled? They want to run long time ARMY off here because we are the only one holding receipts and can tell you history. Do ya'll see the motive? 🥺💜 #BTSARMY
Ya'll now can't express an opinion, can't crack a joke, can't open your mouth without your words and tweets being taken out of context, cower in fear and try to please solos in fear of being called a member anti. Is this the experience ya'll want? Is this Speaking Yourself? 🥺💜
Who are you here for? Are you here for BTS or to get approval from these nobodies?
BTS always talk about ARMY. They don't know any other name. If you are here for BTS, love, respect and trust ONLY them. BE #BTSARMY and TRUST #BTS. 💜
If ya'll want to bring back the fun, friendly ARMY Twitter, ya'll have to gather together as one and say no to solos/Mantis and victimizers and yes, also to sheeps. Because they are the biggest enablers. Either you are ARMY, or you are no one to BTS or ARMY! PERIOD! 💜 #BTSARMY
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