a huge problem with evangelical christians that those who didn't grow up in it might realize, is they genuinely believe the world is incapable of getting better. their ideology teaches them mankind cannot be bettered so they literally cannot comprehend true activism.
they believe activists are just trying to fill a void in their souls and make themselves feel like they're important. it's like they can't fathom people genuinely caring about others without needing to convert them to their own life style. they can't fathom we do it bc empathy
i meant might *not* realize lol but yeah. there's this whole disconnect in their whole brainwashing that has them convinced there's no point to it all because without their god, humankind is corrupt and the world will end. so all that matters is heaven.
sometimes i watch the way others try to confront evangelicals and conservatives and i just. i know exactly how they're thinking and how they're taught and the methods you use just won't work on them. not unless they're already questioning what they're taught.
this is also why they have this huge disconnect in their charity. where they scream pro-life but don't seem concerned with helping the poor. some of it isn't even always about controlling women. it's not actually about that for a lot of them and it's sadly not that simple.
all that matters in their minds is "saving" a soul. their worldly circumstances mean nothing because there will 'always be poor people because the world is corrupt.' which is why they value a fetus over a living child bc they haven't had a chance to save their soul yet
it's why they see the fetus's life as more valuable than the mother because the mother has been around long enough to be witnessed to and so if she isn't christian yet thats her "fault." it's fucked up. but the brainwashing runs *deep* and i don't think a lot of people realize it
i'm not saying dont ever try to confront these people but i am saying, you have to realize it could take *years* for the ones who have a chance of learning better to get there. i only got there because of my leftist friends i had during highschool getting me there.
i thought i was done but i had another thing to say. my path out of this still had to come through my religion. you can't invalidate their faith to get them to think differently. you have to use it. you need to know the history of the bible, the mistranslations, the truths.
i'm not christian now but at the time, i had to poke holes in my learning by researching and seeing how much of jesus's original words and the original texts did not match up with how things had been changed and weaponized to control and fit the narratives of white men.
pointing out the way that tradition contradicts biblical teachings was the *only* way forward for me. it was something i was already seeing so it helped me get out. it's an extremely complicated complex thing to actually try to unwrap and get someone away from.
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