#Breaking - Quite extraordinary opening to #AnneSacoolas's application to dismiss a civil claim against her by #HarryDunn's family - Sacoolas's lawyer says suspect AND her husband Jonathan working for US intelligence services was "especially a factor" in their departure
The Virginia court hears #AnneSacoolas "fear is that with the media attention she would not have a fair trial"... #HarryDunn
This gets even more extraordinary... #AnneSacoolas's barrister John McGavin is asked why the suspect "fled" the UK after the #HarryDunn crash... he says he cannot respond "completely candidly" - adding: "I know the answer but I cannot disclose it"
The #Sacoolas family were withdrawn for "issues of security" - court hears
Something worth noting about #AnneSacoolas's employment in "intelligence" - if she WAS employed by the US Government at the time of the crash that killed #HarryDunn, that would throw a lot of doubt over the diplomatic immunity asserted on her behalf
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