Republicans dismiss Greene's actions as "crazy comments" made "before she took office."

They are wrong.

Greene supported political violence and endorsed the *killing* of American leaders.

While in office she hasn't denied this, nor has she taken responsibility or apologized.
All of my Republican colleagues responding to this with whataboutism are embarrassing themselves.

Everyone who works here can and must agree - especially after January 6 - that political violence is beyond the pale.

Marjorie Taylor Greene publicly endorsed political violence.
It has been a week since these comments were uncovered and much longer since they were made.

Greene has had plenty of time to take responsibility and admit that what she said and did was wrong.

Has she done that? No.
Instead Greene uses her official position to double down on dehumanizing rhetoric.

She claims she is a victim, and is raising money off the outrage over her calls for violence.

Republicans can reject her violent ideology or accept it.

That is the choice they have to make now.
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