#Coop twitter, I feel like we're not talking/organizing enough about philanthropy's role in funding co-ops. Maybe bc there's a spectrum of types of co-ops. From a funding standpoint, I see 2: 1) coops that can/want to operate within capitalism & 2) coops that want to dismantle it
I say the capitalism thing as a descriptor, not a judgment. But the 1st category (market-based' coops) share the same fundamentals of their industry with the benefit of democratizing ownership+governance and other social impact, while the latter has totally different fundamentals
Most consumer goods coops arguably fall in that 1st category and can work w/ more traditional debt/equity-like $ while @EBPREC @CooperationJXN are good examples of the latter (and the level at which @guildatl aims to play), and needs philanthropic $ (as wealth redistribution)
Bc they're actively going against "the market" trying to build post-capitalist models, while being made to compete for market-grade $ (for lack of a better term). The math doesn't work for those models without a subsidy. And philanthropy aka wealth that was stolen, can be that.
Yet, thanks to tax codes, there isn't much of philanthropic redistribution to that 2nd category of coops (not at the level needed anyway) and we're often forced into 501c3 and the nonprofit industrial complex overall by default.
Is any organizing being done on this front? Am I framing this accurately? @ntnsndr @marazepeda @daspitzberg @jwpcPBC @TheSELC @start_coop @RDFoxworth and others?
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