I know you know this but awards success fades while influence iterates. Statuettes sit on shelves, meaningful work lies in the DNA of greatness to come. What a gift that is.
Some work gets spoken about in every pitch meeting, forever. Some is enjoyed and dissipates. Awards aren't great at telling you which is which.
I'm wary of placing these two things as oppositional to one another. Awards matter to people for all sorts of reasons, many of them valid. But I just feel with some artists you know their 'mission' is broader than awards season and that beginning to bear out is glorious in itself
Basically: "what a time to be in this gig!" and I'm far more grateful to those who've made that statement true than anything else
When I'm an old man running a rickety production outfit, the kids who excitedly tell me of the ideas that I can hopefully sling some money at will be referencing I May Destroy You like it was an inevitable and eternal piece of work. I know this. I know this so deeply in my bones.
Anyway sorry to blather on. Will end by revisiting real time reaction to an iconic piece going out then have wine and conversation. But yes. The metric of success is always in the heart. https://twitter.com/VinayPatel/status/1272948921376137221?s=20
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