Canada's Conservative Reform Party is and always been based upon promoting a destructive Trickle Down economic system of inequality and prejudice founded on (Straussian) deception, as such it really has no place in today's society. Their real goal is to establish an aristocracy.
2/ And because Canada's Conservative Reform Party goal is aristocracy, economic inequality and regressive taxation are requirements that they use to achieve it. The logical extension is clear; Reform Party Conservatism in Canada is the very antithesis of democracy #cdnpoli
3/ To sell their anti-democratic views the need for deception becomes apparent; how else to get the public to buy in? This is why narratives are cooked up; government is 'bad,' investing in community good is 'socialism,' and anyone opposing conservatism is a 'radical.' #cdnpoli
4/ This is why Canada's Conservative Party pushes the BS Liberals are 'activists' and Conservatives are not. Which is absurd. Conservatism is HIGHLY activist - in promoting the interests if the wealthy class. Liberal 'activism' promotes the interests of the MAJORITY. #cdnpoli
5/ When fact is FACT, there is no controversy. Democracy relies on fact to move forward; when Conservatives deny facts, they attempt to make the non-debatable, debatable. This way they can attack those opposing their version of the 'facts,' and undermine democracy itself #cdnpoli
6/ Canada's Reform Party Conservative movement thus a PR campaign targeting voters they feel are malleable and workable enough to manipulate, in attempt to have them turn aside any rational thought capacity. They do this using simplistic slogans like 'Take Back Canada.' #cdnpoli
7/ This is why Canada's Conservative Party deliberately blurs the 'facts' with its messaging. A fact is a FACT. An absolute. A Conservative Party message or O'Toole meme is just something he wants people to THINK is a fact. Then this non-fact is REPEATED over and over. #cdnpoli
8/ By repeating non-factual messages over and over Conservative Reform Party messengers like O'Toole hope to train listeners into becoming incapable of discerning truth from fiction. And Voila! Suddenly a false claim is 'true;' like the falsehood that Liberals are 'elites.'
9/ By deceptively framing Liberals as 'elites,' Conservatives are projecting; attempting to make voters believe it's Liberals who want aristocracy instead of those who REALLY chase the objective; Conservatives. And why Conservatives connect Liberalism to words like 'entitlement.'
10/ Now you see the end game; "entitlement" historically refers to aristocratic entitlement to submission by the peasantry; Conservative Reform Partyism flipped this to accuse the POOREST citizens of being 'entitled' if they benefit from social service or social justice. #cdnpoli
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