Guidance on reopening of special schools/classes:

I'll try to do a summary of the different documents tomorrow, but first read through a few things that jumped out immediately.

Most is repeating information shared already. Appendix 1 is most of the new stuff


➡️ Increased mitigation measures are surgical masks for staff and new guidelines in ventilation (windows open when not in class, partially open when in class)

➡️ No change in vaccination place for any staff currently

➡️ Flexible work arrangements can be agreed by BOM. No guidelines on for who. These staff work remotely with pupils at home (by choice or on 50% off if in special schools)

➡️ Flexible arrangements in ARE substitutable


In special classes in mainstream

➡️ School staff, teachers and SNAs already currently on staff should be substituting in the classes first.

So other mainstream staff potentially on call, or have to replace high risk/vulnerable staff in special class fully.

➡️ Parents can choose to keep children home, and be marked present if engaging remotely.


Nothing on the February provision programme, presumably coming separately

Clarified by @johnboyle_INTO

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