@robertjmonson has been on fire with what he has said lately, especially, the thoughts about how "woke" white liberal folks enter spaces with BIPOC.
I want to write more about this at length (at some point)...There is real harm that happens when white folks feel they have "arrived" but continue to operate in white supremacy and refuse to listen to BIPOC voices.
This is particularly evident when a white person is called-in for accountability and they respond defensively and revert to gaslighting BIPOC. As a Black woman, this has happened to me personally.
To be a white "ally" you must understand you will be dismantling white supremacy within you for the rest of your life. You are not "better" than the "non-woke" white people. You need to be committed to walking in humility and remain teachable because you will mess up.
white people, you cannot "educate" yourself out of accountability...
white folks... reading books, diversifying your staff, donating to BIPOC orgs, diversifying your community/friendships, etc. does not exempt you from accountability.
I say this with love and truth because these are the conversations I’m having with Black folks offline. It’s very real for many of us to deal with these dynamics and it’s draining, y’all.
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