A long time friend of mine knows Kristi Noem personally as well as her family. I asked him to give me an assessment. This is what I received; 1. Not overly bright.
2. Politically astute. 3. Ruthless.
4. Stubborn. 5. Rigid. 6. Former pot smoker 7.Opportunistic
8. Vengeful.
I’d say that this is very accurate. Anyone who monitors her behaviors would likely agree.
She is a “construction project”
She’s been built by a political machine. Even down to the surgical tweaks to her appearance.
It starts with the fiction that she was a victim of unfair estate taxation. She wasn’t. Her father neglected to take steps to protect
and shield the family assets. So the truth is it was “self inflicted”
It’s been spun into a
Rags to riches fable and it’s been sold. She has been a successful campaigner. Ruthless, dirty but it world so it won’t change. Today the Fable being spun is her
handling of the Pandemic. The truth is she abdicated
responsibility, masked it behind a personal freedom and responsibility fable and as a result over 1700 South Dakotans have died. It didn’t have to be. History won’t be kind as the actions are parsed. She took a typical SD
GOP stance and focused on the economy over the well being and lives of the citizens of South Dakota. It was calculated and cruel. If we had masked in April or May we’d be ok today. She promised Transparency and spun
Fog to obscure truths.
She encouraged Tourism at a time when prudence was needed.
She abandoned the State to campaign for the extremist wing of her party. She charged the tax paying citizens for her security(what else?) and even today won’t provide the information
She is a noted Panderer. Currying favor from the Party wealthy. Mostly out of State from her appearances. Her Abortion legislation is moot but it looks good to the base.
If you want to beat her in 2022 then Independent of any party affiliation you need to start “chopping wood.” A full blown media campaign that speaks truth to the myths and untruths must begin. It’s expensive and should not be associated with a candidate.
It’s righteous to do this in the name of truth. Present an even playing field to a candidate by
shattering the glass shipper.
She is no princess!
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