We back to our weekly dose of " Where the hell is the OP?!"

Oh, 29 minutes again? POGGERS

White Fox better win studio of the, but I supposed that long shot with MAPPA riding on titan hype #rezero
And yes we really are getting a double backstory, with one occurring right inbetween the one with Emilia, but just as equally important. The first 5 episodes have really pivotal because they dive in heart issues that been plaguing first half of S2 & brought about their tragedies
Ryuzu's flashback actually takes place 400 years ago (I have no idea if the anime mentions this but just in case...) & we have another surprisingly reavel: she knows Betty who unlike Geuse hasn't changed much at all lol
It might be another surprise to see Dona here, but recall back in the 1st half S2, Ryuzu Blima stated that clone system which gave birth to them was created but none other then her. Also notice that Dona's face oddly shaded out, there is actually plot a reason for that
Yes that's right, this is Roswaal's ancestor of 400 years, Roswaal A Mathers although lacking the distinctive yellow he's spiting image of the one we know. That said the current Roswaal acted as he knew Dona personally odd don't you think?
Regulus is the "best annoying asshole with a punchable face" I've come across in long time. Stan him folks!
A wild last boss appears!

Kugimyia sounds pretty good to me!
Pandora herself is another figure intimately connected with Emilia's parents although we don't know how. BTW, like Emilia Fortuna's innate element is fire. Tappei's has stated in the past that Emilia's entire family has the attribute naturally or at least her father's side does
Flugel huh

Worth nothing, Otto in the LN mentions very few know anything about him beyond the fact he plated that huge tree and was sage/wiseman. So its curious why he be mentioned relation to the Witch Cult or the Witch Factor? Geuse is even more mysterious figure now isn't he?
And thus Petelgeuse becomes the "New" Sloth abit with complication

Unfortunately the anime left out an a rather innocuous but important point: Dona notes that Regulus is this generation's Greed, marking him as her successor & established the link between the Witches & Archbishops: They both gained powers from the Witch Factors
The Sin Archbishops are essentially modern day witches, but Archbishop is a rank the cult. That said Geuse is not compatible with sloth factor because its not his nature to be lazy thus being rejected by it. The factors normally choose their hosts not the other way around
Geuse is only able use the authority despite this because he overcoming the rejection through sheer willpower. Even it will eventually destroy his current body. Interesting enough Subaru doesn't have this problem even if the use of authority tires him out

This is cut is amazing & perfectly creepy! (Really this how scene is awesome!)
I happy White Fox's attention to detail in remebering that Emilia should not be able to see Unseen Hands and because the trial is taking place from her perspective we the audience can't either
Oh man this scene...

Lots of people Emilia have been leaving her behind even in the present 😭

Also this another one of reasons why promises are so important to her, Emilia broke them quite a bit herself feels this situtaion might have come about because of that
Ugh, feels people are probably gonna misunderstand this line without more context, but Emilia had decided at his point Fortuna is her mother regardless who her birth mother might have been. Emilia doesn't know her, she can only love who raised her
Ooof, yeah that looks like how imagined it
Yes, Regulus of all people is referring to someone as "sama", that alone tells how much of a big deal Pandora is in the cult

Just so you know Regulus is the strongest archbishop cause his authority is bonkers in how it works 😅
He doesn't respect her enough not to attack her depending on his mood


So um, yeah Rem never stood chance against this guy or Lye for that matter
Its amazing how Tappei can just sell authenticity of these two relationship with each other and Emilia so well in the short time we know them. Characterization is one best things Tappei does in his writing 💜💜💜

Another great cut

Pandora is not to be outdone here tho!Her authority is pretty nuts too
I certainly cannot go without mentioning her iconic catchphase

Her theme if that what playing here is excellent!
Brutal but hype cliffhanger
Really the ED so freaking amazing for this sequence. Even if we don't have and ending animation they making such good use of it that doesn't matter
Another easy 10/10 for me

Thank you White Fox!
Sorry for amount sceencaps peeps, I hope you didn't find thread too boring and extra context provided in to enrich your appreciation of the show! 🙇‍♂️
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