Today I talked to my second grade teacher.
She called last week and left a message that she wanted to talk about Wausau’s mask campaign. I agonized a little bit about what I thought she would say to me. I went to a small, private, religious school from kindergarten to eighth grade.
I didn’t always feel like I fit the mold there but you really get to know your fellow students of all ages along with every teacher you’ve had over nine years. I was sure she was going to tell me she didn’t like the campaign.
But she didn’t.
She’s retired now. She’s trying to schedule her vaccine. She’s concerned about our community losing focus and not wearing masks to protect each other anymore.
She was so happy to see the reminder – that when we Wear One Wausau, We Are One Wausau. She also reminded me that she’s holding light for me and our whole community right now.
I know it’s a grind. It’s been almost a year. Many people have staked out their opinions on the efficacy of masks and dug in. There are people fighting in comments sections, saying horrible things to each other, and digging in deeper.
This cannot be how we talk to each other for the rest of time. The pandemic is tough enough without losing our sense of community along with it.
It might be easier in the short term to blast off on people you disagree with but it’s so much better in the long term assume positive intent about that other person. Give it a shot. Practice patience. Grin and bear it.

We got this, Wausau.
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