Setting high goals always comes with resistance.

That resistance breaks most people and keeps them in a deadly cycle of seeking security and comfort.

Here are the 6 emotional stages that setting higher goals triggers and how to bulldoze past the resistance.

1. Initial Excitement

The thrill of new possibilities is always intoxicating, until you realize how much extra effort is required before change can take place.
2. Conflict

You might wonder, "Can I actually achieve this new goal? What if I try and fail?

This is where it starts to become clear that goal achievement is largely a self-esteem issue.
3. Doubt

You might focus on the difficulties or roadblocks, and wonder whether you can overcome them.

Combat this with daily affirmations.

I couldn’t recommend @DejaRu22 ‘s Terminate more.

Terminate has the power to conquer your inner bitch.

It changed my whole trajectory.
4. Resistance to change

The idea of changing your habits, beliefs, and routines becomes very uncomfortable.

Most people run out of steam here or even sooner due to a lacking belief in self.
5. Commitment

A renewed sense of dedication to whatever work, learning or effort it might take to reach your new goals.

If you've made it this far, the stars are beginning to align for you.
6. Acceptance

Finally believing deep down that you're capable of reaching your new goals

You’ve bulldozed through the barriers triggered by your emotional responses. Now you’re on your way.
When most people run out of steam in the 2-4 range,

To prevent future pain of failure, they eventually quit setting goals altogether.

Comfort and security rule their world.

Fuck that kind of life. You live ONCE.
Everyone experiences these emotional responses when setting high goals.

They are extremely formidable and shouldn’t be taken lightly.

As with most things, though, if you are aware of the psychology behind the emotional stages, you can push through the barriers.
When you make it through the 6th emotional stage, there’s still work left to do.

Without inner congruence, you won’t last long.

Keep your eyes out for a thread later this week on how to achieve inner congruence.

Nobody said high goal achievement was easy.
If this helped create a sense of awareness as to what to expect in goal setting, please retweet the original tweet in this thread.

Oh, and FUCK comfort. Go out and take what's yours by force, knowing what barriers are going to put in your way.

Bulldoze that shit!
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