3/ Why is @NYGovCuomo opening restaurants now? Monied interests. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/02/02/nyregion/cuomo-nyc-indoor-dining.html If he really cared about people working in restaurants, he'd be focused on providing them with the economic and social supports to weather the pandemic safely. https://www.justhumanproductions.org/podcasts/ep-51-disrupting-restaurants
4/ Why has vaccine rollout in NY been so slow? @NYGovCuomo made the process too restrictive and punitive. He entrusted the job to private healthcare systems, not public health. Private healthcare systems don't know how to do public health, like mass vaccination.
5/ @NYGovCuomo: “If Times reporters think I push hospitals too hard & local governments too hard, I say I’m a fighter for the people of NY & I believe I’m saving lives.” He's not a fighter for the people of NY. He's a fighter for his friends and monied special interests.
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