im wary of twitter accounts that do nothing but preach morality which, while it's nice and convenient to learn things from one place can be subject to bias or the person of that account, without realizing, becoming more and more self-righteous
a couple years ago i was very online and spent a good amount of time splitting hairs, talking about "self care" and shit. while my intentions were good, my execution was sloppy and i would still see things as black and white.
i decorated threads of hot air with pretty psychology terminology. it made me look more seasoned than i really was. i even fooled myself.

to resolve responsibility of your behalf by just labeling those who harmlessly disagree with you as toxic is selling yourself short
like for example a kid calls you a stupidhead.
you can go

"Imagine being ableist for no reason like? I cant understand how people are still like this in 2020 let alone enable others to do this."

unassuming LOUDER👏FOR👏THE👏PEOPLE👏in👏THE👏BACK ensues.

but it feels good, huh?
in reality you could accept that it's a kid, a nobody youll never see again, and laugh it off.

or you could take it as an opportunity to post about it online and make a life lesson out of it, completely unwarranted, and build a habit of taking every little thing personally.
but the support's almost a constant. the affirmation. whether from sycophants or genuinely supportive friends, it's warm and comforting. the "ignore those meanies :P you're just fine <3" can be found on any side or facet of any situation.
so what i'm getting at here is that the people who make Life Advice threads all the time can be subject to such consequences.

while sometimes well-read and can put words to niche yet tricky situations, humans are still not immune to the 'rush' they get from mass "amen! amen!"s
the foundation for them can be hollow, with the initial intention being more so to get that rush (whether knowingly or unknowingly) than to actually want to educate people on how and why its good to cut friends out of their life when they don't give back your pyrex casserole pan.
just please keep this possibility in mind before adopting the way someone handles and navigates social situations into your own toolset -- and try not to apply generalized resolutions to your own interpersonal interactions like you're covering a leak with duct tape.
this was a pretty good read as well, but while unrelated is kind of adjacent to what i'm talking about. still nifty. excuse the geocities-ass theme
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