tw // self harm

This is just something I wanted to say or express my opinion. To everyone out there,if you havent done self harm,Im so proud of you,Im proud that you fighting and not choosing this dark way. If you have done that,Im proud of you too,cs I know you been through a+
+lot,you didnt see any other way and I get it. I understand the thought that you need to feel pain or feel numbness or maybe you just feel like you deserve to be in pain just like me. I just want to tell you that you arent alone. Maybe you dont know but this action +
+ affects others too,my self harm makes people around me to feel worthless and I can even say that I influenced them to do the same thing. The point is, that is not the solution. Never was and nevet will be. It gets addictive and will leave you with scars physically and +
+ emotionally. Try to think something else, talk with your friends, even if they arent the sun but they can be the stars and will still shine a little. If you dont wanna tell them, I understand you,when you having those dark thought do sth you like,sing,paint,write,anything.
I just wanna tell you that if you have done it im still proud of you for staying with us but please stop because it will destroy you more then you already are.
You arent alone in this fight.
If anything,we are together.
Lets not do this.
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