Trump recognized candidate Joe Biden as a threat early on.

He showed that he was willing to cheat and break laws with the Ukraine call.

Democrats impeached him. Republicans in the Senate prevented any punishment for his crime.

Trump believed that his best argument for re-election was the economy. When the coronavirus came along, he saw it as a threat to the economy and thus, to his re-election.

Instead of trying to save lives, he tried to pretend it wasn't a big deal.

GOP went along.

While Democrats and most of the world were frantically trying to protect lives, Trump and Republicans were holding super-spreader events and screaming, "Liberate" to defeat protective measures.

Trump's personal ambitions resulted in the highest death rate in the world.

By the time we neared the November 3rd election, we lived in two separate worlds.

Democrats tried to shelter in place while Republicans denied there was anything to shelter from.

States created rules to make voting easier and safer, frightening Trump.

Trump knew that in a high-turnout election, he would lose. Covid changes that eased the restrictions on mail-in voting were a threat to him because they made it likely that more people would vote.

He began the Big Lie.

Trump claimed, and the GOP machine supported the claim, that mail-in voting would lead to massive fraud.

People must vote in person, on Election Day, he lied, or there would be massive fraud.

Elected Republicans agreed or stayed silent. His base believed him.

Trump held super-spreader rally after rally, reinforcing the lie. There would, he said, be massive fraud if mail-in ballots were allowed.

Knowing it was a lie, elected Republicans agreed or remained silent anyway.

Trump's election plan depended on his voters casting in-person votes.

As he held rallies, his lackey, DeJoy, was busy making certain that the expected flood of mail-in (Democratic) ballots would be delayed.

GOP pretended not to see.

On Election Day, it went according to plan. At first, it went as planned.

Republican votes, cast in person were counted first, making it appear that Trump held the lead.

He declared victory on Election Night.

The First Amendment, so often cited cynically by the Republicans, had saved the nation and assured Trump's defeat.

Every step of his plan had been revealed by some dutiful reporter doing their duty.

Because reporters warned us, we had not trusted our ballots to DeJoy's damaged Postal Service.

Because we were warned that the results wouldn't be complete on Election Day, we mostly ignored Trump's claim of victory.

Trump, spoiled son of a rich man who had apparently never denied him anything, refused to admit defeat even when the actual results were announce days later.

He had lost, and badly, but refused to admit it.

GOP agreed or remained silent.

Trump created the Big Lie, but elected-Republicans and conservative media made it a threat to democracy.

They knew. They all knew that Trump had lost. Trump lied to his base and the rest of the GOP machine lied or supported the lie.

Trump was the Republican's monster. By simple admitting that reality is real, they could have ended him.

Instead, from Mitch to Tucker, they all supported the Big Lie in one way or another.

On January 6th, we all saw Trump tell his lie-crazed supporters to go to the Capitol.

The same reporters who saved us from his election scam had done their best to save us from his attempted coup.

We know what he did before, during and after the attack because we saw it.

We saw the swarm. We saw lives threatened. We saw police officers fighting for their lives against people carrying flags that proclaimed their eternal support for the police.

We saw bravery and betrayal in the halls of the Capitol.

Republicans who live-tweeted to the terrorists.

Republicans who refused to wear masks while hiding with those of fragile health.

Republicans who continued to protest the votes even after the insurrection had been quelled.

They kept up the Big Lie even in the face of death.

Democrats have impeached Trump again.

Republicans, who saw the same crimes that all of us saw, are pretending that none of it happened.

They stood united with Trump while he planned--and tried to execute--the overthrow of democracy in America.

Republicans had a choice at every step along the way.

At every step they could have chosen the USA but chose Trump instead.

When it was a choice of oath or Trump, they chose Trump.

GOP Senators have another choice before them.

Will they admit that reality exists, that they saw what Trump did before, during and after the attempted coup and convict him?

Or will they pretend that some reason or excuse exists to chose Trump over the nation once again?

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