The future of live streaming will be social, gamified, and made by viewers like you!

Last year @hovercastlive teamed up with @GBH to explore the format of interactive live streaming, create 5 pilots, and develop a framework for how to co-create live streams with viewers.

Our thesis was that audience participation is a creative superpower that can make storytelling more compelling and engaging for everyone involved.
So we made five shows - a choose-your-own-adventure version of Arthur, a gameshow remix of Antiques Roadshow, a FB vs. Twitch cooking competition, an AMA about aliens, and an episode of Masterpiece that was entirely scripted by the audience!
In this process we found that the main characteristics of interactive live streaming can be organized into "five C’s":
Curation: User-generated content is curated by producers & added to the show.

Competition: Individual viewers compete against each other to win.

Choice: Audience decisions influence outcomes in the show.
Crowdplay: The audience makes decisions together to reach a shared goal.

Co-Creation: The audience is a collaborator with the show’s producers.

These characteristics are cumulative and build off each other as more agency is given to the viewing audience.
Here's a cool example of the choices the audiences had in our @arthurpbs show!
And here's how the audience was able to create the characters in "Chatsterpiece" using interactive polls
Interactive live streaming is a game-changer for viewer-driven storytelling.

But in this seemingly infinite space of possibilities, how can you unlock an audience’s creative potential and harness it for good, instead of inviting chaos?
Successfully navigating this involves new tools, new platforms, new methods of audience engagement, and a brave and flexible production team. The risks are real, but the rewards will be bigger: stronger stories, turbocharged engagement, and a deeper connection with your audience
You can follow @elistonberg.
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