how to NOT write non-binary characters: a thread for cis writers looking to add diversity to their writing
1. if you’re cis, do NOT write about the non-binary experience and make it a focal point.

do not write about a non-binary character coming to terms with their identity etc. leave that to actual non-binary writers.
2. do not “reveal” a non-binary character’s assigned gender at birth.

in most (if not all) cases revealing that does nothing to drive the story and only results in the nb character being viewed as their assigned gender.
3. do not write the nb character as entirely androgynous.

while some nb people look androgynous, that isn’t the case for a lot of others. you can write androgynous characters but try to refrain from making them look genderless because most of the time it doesn’t reflect reality.
4. do not make the character’s personality being nb

this is pretty self explanatory but try to add dimension to your character and explore their personality instead of their gender identity.
5. do not make them an alien/robot

this is an overused cliche that further pushes the idea that all non-binary people are genderless and androgynous.
i’ll answer some more questions i got later :)
here’s a thread of resources for everyone who asked <3
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