This is Puffin.

Some of you have met him before.

He thinks he’s the most important member of a family.

Here’s a short thread explaining the very strict, non-negotiable set of house rules that we have for him...
Rule 1

Puffin is not allowed to sit in Dad’s chair.
Rule 2

Puffin is not allowed to sit at the table.
Rule 3

Under no circumstances is Puffin allowed to sit on the table.
Rule 4

Fridges are for humans, not spaniels.
Rule 5

Puffin is not allowed to play the piano.
Rule 6

Puffin is not in charge of the remote control.
Rule 7

Puffin is not allowed to hide in the tumble dryer.
Rule 8

Puffin is not allowed on the bed.
Rule 9

Under no circumstances is Puffin allowed in the bed.
I think that just about covers it.
Puffin knows I’m in charge...
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