190 mm scallop harvested from within a 🇮🇲 Marine Nature Reserve that includes:
1) No-Take (Seagrass and Modiolus beds) zones
2) Potting-only (Rocky shore/Conservation) zones
3) Scallop Fishery management zone with capped effort/quota & low impact practices.
Each yeah the local industry do a pre- and post- fishery survey and share their data to design a harvest strategy (set quota & additional spatial restrictions). The carbon footprint is lower than all other land-based industrial meat production systems 🌍
Benthic impact is monitored by combining high polling rate of VMS onboard vessels with detailed habitat mapping of the fishing areas, and estimating the relative benthic status of the fishing zone. MPAs can work without blanket bans. http://fisheries-conservation.bangor.ac.uk/documents/BangorFisheriesReportNo_34.pdf
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