This is a VERY IMP THREAD - Lets make it Viral. RT, Share, Comment so more people can understand what is happening.

Now, let’s talk about CABAL. Who are they?! Where do we see them?

I see many wondering what is cabal? Why are they important?

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What or who are Cabal?
- They Are a secret faction of businessmen, political leaders, bankers, celebs who create & control narratives on our Planet.

They make decisions about everything happening on our planet.

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They create diseases, then hand over solutions, they create scarcity (food,water,wealth), even when there is enough for all, they’re responsible of creating poverty, war, economic crisis.

They are involved in every aspect you can think of.

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They’re the controller of Narratives. They control over 90% of the global mkt.

They’ll sell you a microwave, a microwave plate that goes in it, they’ll also sell you microwaveable kitchenware. The product names will be different but owners are Same.

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Many of the cabal elites are unknown faces, you may not have heard of them. The cabal also included well known firgures.

There is a hierarchical system with the unknown leaders on top, & then well known CEOs CFOs businessmen celebs politicians media

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The orders come from the top & are carried out by those in the low spectrum of the hierarchy pyramid.

The control all the content u watch (news, media, movies, music)

Through this content they transfer subliminal msgs, hence chaos continues.

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There are many YouTube videos that u can see to learn more about these subliminal msgs, as well as watch videos on the msgs hidden in these songs when played backwards.

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Global elites don’t care about us, all they do is extract from this Planet. They create an issue, & we take it forward, while they sit in their palatial homes, laughing at us.

They basically decide what they want, & a war starts.

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People are displaced, or killed, families separated & all thats left is poverty, pain, misery, suffering.

They thrive on your sweat, blood, & tears.

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Terrorists for example - who funds them? Gives them arms, ammunition’s, media access in remote areas.

The cabal provides them to resources at the cost of your lives & that of your loved ones.

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The easiest way to control is via what you watch. They feed you toxicity, which they’re responsible for, to create hate & misinformation.

They control the content you watch - movies, ads, music, all part of their grand business plan.

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A web is intricately woven around you to trap you into believing what they tell you. Celebs, media houses, politicians play a huge role in this.

They’re hired soldiers that sell the products created by the Cabal.

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They sell a lifestyle that’s tempting, they’ll tell you you’re unhappy cuz these are the things you need to be happy or feel successful.

So you keep spending money buying over priced products so you can feel good about yourself.

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This also creates toxicity in ur personal life causing feelings of competition, jealousy, unhappiness, all low vibrational feelings, that help them to keep controlling you.

The only way to save yourself is through Awareness.

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Awareness is our greatest gift, this can turn everything around. But in order to do that you have to start separating yourself from the noise so you can listen to the Divine calling & messages.

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For 1000s of years they’ve rules us by keeping us divided & misinformed. Generations before us fell into their trap & we’ve learnt to live this way of life from our environment.

It’s time to break free from that cycle.

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Again, this won’t be easy cuz we have been programmed to be a part of this chaos. We will have to unlearn this & it starts with putting our differences aside & fight the one common energy - the Global Elites.

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We can solve our problems & find permanent solutions when we work with facts & not narratives.

#AgeOfAquarius is here to give back our power so we survive. So wake up, be aware, look around u. Hear the quiet whispers of the Universe abt who u are.

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The cabal cares for no one - not for the starving kids in Yemen, or those in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria. They don’t care about what u eat, drink or breathe. They don’t care about no farmers, ur family, ur hopes & dreams.

302 Must in SSR Murder Case
They play with ur lives, ur family’s, the planets, so they can have absolute control over the resources.

So fight for ur own if not for everyone. Fight with all ur might, for ur loved ones, ur present, ur future or the cabal will enslave u forever.

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Our human race needs to unite, our bickering will only matter if we survive, & once we do our differences won’t exist cuz the resources wouldn’t be under anyone’s control.

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My request to all reading this is to please stop fighting. We will only survive if we work together until elites become deletes.

#JusticeForSushantSinghRajput is our way to Unite & they’re scared cuz they thrive on secrecy & we are exposing them.

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Let’s promise that we will fight against this Global Cabal, break this cycle & free human race from enslavement.

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Please share this msg with everyone if you resonate. People need to learn & understand the truth.

✨Lové & Light✨


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Ill request the bigger accounts to please RT & spread the word so more people can get acquainted with what is happening on our planet.

@nilotpalm3 @ApurvaU21 @Remember2ndOct @varunkapurz
You can follow @SaanyaChopraDua.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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