Want to Stop Overthinking?

4 Actionable Tips:

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1. Know When You Are Stuck🧠

Most of the time we are overthinking and don't realize we are.

To observe overwhelming thoughts find their triggers.

Knowing the cause of the problem is beneficial when you are overthinking.

Begin to recognize when you are overthinking.💭
2. Redirect Your Focus 🎧

When you are concentrated on a particular decision switch your focus.

If you can decide come back to it later.

-Eat some food
-Go on a Walk
-Work out
-Read a Book
-Write a twitter thread

Come back to the decision later with a clear mind.🛀
3. Stop Procrastinating🛑

The way to be procrastination is by action, weather it's cleaning your room or washing your car.

The small things add up, attend to the smaller to thing to break down your procrastination habits.

The more action you take the less thinking you do.🤯
4. Challenge Your Thoughts ⚔️

Do not think of what could go wrong. Think of what will go right.

Accept where you are and, what is possible in your reality.

Put yourself in uncomfortable situations to become content with comfort.

The more content are, The less you think.💎
I hope you can take some of this tips into your own life, as always a retweet is always appreciated

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