#WhitePrivilege is trending.
I don't like the term WP, as it ignores the fact that most of these issues are class based, not race based. But insofar as it exists, its affluent white college kids who think that this kind of nonsense is social justice
2. and they do it while failing to work on real issues.
Check your priorities, yo.
If you are focused on neo-pronouns, you have never faced real oppression
3. Think about it
4. #WhitePrivilege is trending (continued)
Interestingly, most of the fake social justice warriors who focus on things like "neo-pronouns" claim to be socialists, without understanding that by their OWN philosophy, they are contradiction themselves.
5. we can and should support people who break stereotypes associated with their sex, but not by denying that sexes exist, not by erasing sex based words and advocator, and not by stuffing straight fad-sters into LGB orgs under new, fake labels
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