Let’s be real about the biblical quotes being thrown out by Qliticians right now. Regardless of your belief; in their historical contexts, the passages they quote are antithetical to what they are using the quotes for.
Set aside beliefs, let’s look at the authors themselves...
Isaiah is what MTG used today, the holy roller she is. First, touting an identity as a Christian when the central figure (while knowing nothing else about him) is associated with pacifism, and helping to incite the riots at the Capitol by armed insurrectionists...gets ya thinkin
Isaiah is a three part collective. Sort of like how Genesis is a compilation of several authors’ work (2 creation stories. 2 flood stories. Three about Abraham), Isaiah has several authors. This particular chapter is the close of the Second Isaiah section. Why is this important?
Because this author wrote at the end of the Babylonian exile. They knew that because it “predicted” the events that took place during the end of the exile, including the rise of King Cyrus of Persia in 545 BCE. The Israelites had been removed from their home, and particularly...
Jerusalem where their temple had been. God’s house. In 597BC Babylonians seized the Israelites, killed their king’s sons, threw they king into captivity until he died, and destroyed Solomon’s Temple. So, when they were liberated by Cyrus (Sec. Isaiah calls him “messiah” at 45:1)
So they were pretty PO’ed. But this would be like MTG using the last words of #BreonnaTaylor to try and invoke some kind of allegiance or sympathy. It’s sort of a “liberated. But I won’t forget what got us here or what it took to make this happen.”
Kind of like how I imagine...
People might feel once there is equity for those taken advantage of for over 400 years in this country. The people whose land *we* occupy. That Western European colonizers stole and traded land that wasn’t theirs, and people.
She calls #BLM radical and violent. But all the crime
So, sorry, as someone who at least understands something about the people writing coming from decades of actual persecution, having their words used by someone that’s the height of privileged seems sus.
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