🧵🧵 The Coronavirus pandemic will cause further erosion of our trust in western medicine. It's quite ironic because while the MSM and a portion of practicing physicians and many scientists have been trumpeting 'TRUST THE SCIENCE' the fact is that the science has not driven =>
2/ the world's response to the pandemic. Examples are legion but are most obvious with lockdowns and masks. I'm not going to argue about lockdowns and masks here, but I will say that I was in favor of 'two weeks to slow the spread' so that we might 'flatten the curve'. It made =>
3/ some sense to me, especially as NYC and NJ were in the thick of the first wave, to try to avoid a sharp spike in cases. Well, we know how that went and the data on the effectiveness of lockdowns, masks, and distancing is hardly supportive of our response. But enough of that =>
4/ I have witnessed some interesting 'man on the street' changes in the public's perception of the science of western medicine over the past decade. One of the most curious phenomena is the non-compliance of patients with prescribed medicines. This extends even to medicines =>
5/ like Ibuprofen. Patients will not take the recommended doses. They will often skip doses. They will often do half dosing. The reason? They don't trust that it's safe. They often will look at the warning label or do a google search and tell me that Ibuprofen is bad for x, y, =>
6/ or z. In the meantime they will wax poetic about their current 'detoxifying' regimen from GNC of their ongoing treatment with their chiropractor. They will also wax poetic about their 36 different supplements that they take daily in order to 'improve' their health or immune =>
7/ system. None of this, ZERO, ZILCH, has any science supporting it. They will buy some product advertised as 'supporting prostate health' and take it religiously, but they will not take a few doses of diazepam for a few nights for their low back spasm because it's 'addictive' =>
8/ It IS addictive, if taken three times a day for a few weeks and then abruptly stopped. In short, they don't trust ME. They don't trust doctors. This is OUR fault. Major Universities have jumped on the 'alternative and complimentary medicine' bandwagon. They have given =>
9/ legitimacy to quackery. I am NOT saying that there is no place for some of the modalities of alternative and complimentary medicine, not at all. I AM saying that it's becoming very hard for the average Joe to distinguish between scientifically supported 'medicine' and the =>
10/ huge universe of absolute bullshit. Do you know what you do when you take vitamins? With rare exception (b12 for pernicious anemia... iron for anemia... a few others) you are making expensive urine. That's all. As well, folks don't know that there ARE vitamins D, E, A, and =>
11/ K that are toxic in overdose because they are fat soluble and are not excreted in the urine. Nevertheless, folks are out there just grabbing this shit up by the armful. Enter COVID19. The average Joe sees the fear-porn and buys it, for a while. It's a real virus, it makes =>
12/ some people quite ill. For a small number it kills them or contributes to their deaths. Meanwhile the messaging from #Fauxi and the high Academics all over the world frightening the shit out of everybody is now perceived, rightly I think, as a huge mistake. And they are =>
13/ not walking it back or offering any explanation as to the discrepancies between what they said in March, June, August, or December etc... There will be no 'mea culpa' either. And the result can only be that the average Joe will distrust medicine and doctors even more than =>
14/ he did previously. And it's our fault. There have been voices of reason. There have been Doctors and scientists offering a more sober and science-based view throughout the pandemic, and they have been pilloried. Dr Ioannidis at Stanford being a good example here. So now =>
15/ I fully expect that the general public will be more bought in to the notion that they can forego their cancer screening exams, short themselves on their prescriptions, use all manner of 'alternative' methods to treat their diabetes, cancer, or heart disease, and they will =>
16/ die. And it's our fault. 'Follow the science', what a joke. The world has gone mad and the pied-pipers of madness were supposed to be trustworthy. They were merely government stooges protecting their fiefdoms. They did it to the detriment of all. Finally, the correct =>
17/ number of masks to wear today is 5, and you must stand SEVEN feet from others until further notice. Ffs.

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