(1/6) It is not a coincidence @souljaboy is entering crypto. I actually messaged him in 2019 since I assumed he would be the one of the first to get involved.

Below a tweet thread with some background info on Soulja and some speculation where this could be heading.. đŸ§”
(2/6) Soulja Boy was the first music artist to use @YouTube to really promote his music and brand. He understood the power of the internet and was about 16 years old when his first hit got released. He's been a veteran in the music industry and is still only 30 years old..
(3/6) Since hiphop dominates the music industry I suspect this will cause a domino effect of more & more artists and entertainers joining. Creating the #SocialMoney revolution where people inside the entertainment industry start to have full control of their content & assets..
(4/6) New business models will appear on how entertainers connect with their followers & once more artists (cc @kanyewest), actors (cc @thecampaignbook, streamers (cc @REALMizkif) entertainers (cc @KylieJenner) start joining, 100s of millions of their subscribers will also join..
(5/6) Inevitably more traditional businesses will have to react and think of how to integrate $crypto in their products and services to keep up with what the 'youth' wants. This should boost the token economy and help us get 'mainstream adoption', which we always wanted..
(6/6) I like to thank @souljaboy for joining @zilliqa & helping us transition towards this new digital economy. My prediction will only be correct if Young Drako ends up at the @breakfastclubam complaining why nobody is thanking him for all the @Drake NFTs that will be released😜
You can follow @ProofofMilan.
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