Good morning from the Oklahoma Senate Health and Human Services committee, where members are scheduled to take up a number of abortion restriction bills
A number of anti-abortion activists have gathered in the hallway outside the Senate Assembly Room
I'm not sure off the top of my head if that particular hallway qualifies, but just a reminder that masks are required for the public in House and Senate space
The activists are chanting "SB 495," the "Equal Protection and Equal Justice Act," which would outlaw abortion, classify it as homicide, and (incorrectly) declare itself immune from court challenges and superseding federal regulation
Of course, any legislation passed by the Oklahoma legislature is subject to judicial review by state courts and, if there's jurisdiction, federal courts
And we are underway. Chairman Greg McCortney (R-Ada) reiterates that masks are required for visitors and staff in this room
Senate Pres Pro Tem Greg Treat's bill, which would essentially trigger repeal of abortion regulations upon certification that the Supreme Court has overturned the right to an abortion OR upon passage of a pertinent constitutional amendment, passes 8-3.
That bill is SB 918, which would leave intact statutes that essentially criminalize inducing an abortion. They are currently on the books but are not enforceable
The folks outside are singing
A reminder that many anti-abortion activists (this is what many of them asked to be called last session instead of pro-life) are aware that bills outlawing abortion would be immediately blocked by the courts. Part of the idea is to get an appeal to a 6-3 conservative SCOTUS
We are on SB 584, a bill by Sen. Nathan Dahm (R-Broken Arrow) that would prohibit public funds from going to any organization found to have violated laws prohibiting the trafficking of fetal body parts.
Sen. Carri Hicks (D-OKC) asks if any Oklahoma organizations have been found to have violated such federal laws. Sen. Dahm says he's not aware of any
This bill was amended, by the way. It originally prohibited funding from going to Planned Parenthood
SB 584 moves with three no votes
We are on Dahm's SB 612, which would outlaw abortion except in cases where it is necessary to save the life of the mother in a medical emergency
Sen. George Young (D-OKC) is presenting a question from a constituent asking why the government should have the power to force a person to give birth. Sen. Dahm says that he believes the government has an interest in protecting life
Dahm says he believes this isn't about telling a person what to do with their body, it's about protecting life
Sen. Hicks asks if this bill is constitutional. Dahm says he believes it is. Hicks asks how much money it will cost the state to fight this battle in court. Dahm says he can't predict the future but the fight is worth it.
Hicks asks if he'll personally pay the legal bills. Dahm says the state funds the AG for this reason also perhaps there are pro bono legal groups who would help
SB 612 moves 7-3
I'm hearing singing again. Could be in my head
I do recognize this one as a hymn but I can't remember the name
Anyway, we have now arrived at SB 495, the Equal Protection and Equal Justice Act that the activists are pushing for. It's by Sen. Warren Hamilton (R-McCurtain)
Sen. Hamilton says the consequences of this bill are "life and death," and the Republican caucus, as professing Christians, has an obligation to get this done
Hamilton says this bill codifies abortion as murder. He says the "dilemma before us today" is of "biblical proportions"
Hamilton: This bill will be painful, but anytime you do the right thing, it is.
Sen. Simpson moves do pass. Sen. Young will ask a question
Simpson tells Young says that this bill is about the right of the child, but also the life of the mother since he claims that women can suffer negative consequences following an abortion
"We are trying to prevent people from making a mistake"
Sen. Hicks is recognized for a question
Hicks asks if Hamilton trusts women to make their own medical decisions. He says "absolutely," except murder is not a medical decision
Debate is closed, time for voting
Bill FAILS 0-10
Notable that this was rejected unanimously considering support from the OKGOP
So, the HHS committee moved Sen. Dahm's bill, which would criminalize the performance of an abortion as a felony (but would not authorize charging the person who actually had the abortion).
But, it unanimously rejected a bill that would classify abortion as murder and give unborn children equal protection of the laws of the state. It would've eliminated all exceptions and also contained provisions that attempted to exempt it from federal law or judicial review
And it also passed Pro Tem Treat's trigger bill also
And we are done. See you at 1:30 when the Senate will be on the floor for the open meeting bill
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