You can like, even love, a creator but that doesn't mean you shouldn't acknowledge the times they fuck up. You can love them and still tell them when they're wrong. It's their choice whether they listen or not! But you still can let them know.
And even to people who aren't fans of that person, let them know! It gives them more opinions outside of their fanbase. But don't go witch-hunting or start calling them slurs in their DMs. That would make you seem like the asshole. A creator is a creator and creators are humans.
Humans mess up a lot. Don't tell me you haven't said something rude or insensitive before. Everyone has at one point! But acknowledging the fact that what you said/did is wrong, educating yourself on why it was wrong and never doing it again is what matters.
And yes, some creators are assholes and don't want to admit when their wrong but that's their own issues. Sometimes they don't understand or they're just plain ignorant. But, there will always be consequences and their actions will come back to bite them in the ass at some point.
That's just life! It happens. It's just the way the world works. But them knowing when they are wrong will soften that punishment and it won't be as bad. A consequence could be as little as hitting their elbow on the side of their desk.
Just know that no matter what you say or do, it is their choice whether to accept it or not. All you can do is let them know.
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