I completed my 30 days of no alcohol. There’s no need for me to write about how hard it was (very), how irritable I was (extremely), how ultimately good I felt (finally). But just my PSA that everyone should take breaks to always know you’re in control and don’t ~need~ alcohol.
I’d also like it noted that I went through an


completely sober. I pat myself on the back for that.
I’d also like it noted how unsupportive and honestly sometimes just straight-up gross some people are about others’ sobriety. Placing blame if businesses fail, mocking Dry January. It’s hard as fuck to not drink and you people suck.
Free brewery marketing idea: create a campaign around Dry January encouraging folks that they can do it, that you’re all in it together. Create a countdown and make it fun. Promote your merch, promote buying beer for later. Stop the god damn shaming.
I strongly encourage everyone to take breaks from alcohol every now and then. Why? Simply to prove to yourself that you can. Those that mock Dry January are the ones who especially should try it. After the year we’ve all had, it’s good to be mindful of our alcohol intake.
Ok well there’s my rambling thoughts. It was super super hard and I am very proud of myself for accomplishing it. I shall enjoy a special glass of wine tonight to celebrate.
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