Thread: The topic of useful vendor briefings for analysts has come up again in a few discussions, so a quick set of reading I often send to vendors, and startups in particular, for those interested.
And if you are a startup / early stage vendor assume that when you get on the call we will have read the "about us" page on your website, if you must have those slides in ask if we want the story, but use your time wisely.
Trust me when I say this but your product and the problem your are solving is what we will be interested in, not what uni you went to or who your VCs and board are (unless the VC or board part is not public info).
Spend 5 minutes on who the analysts are before the call. It will help frame your discussion and focus. If you are going through an agency the good ones will have a half page bio on us. Occasionally we even see said bios. Warts & all.
And as its pretty much a year on, the last thread I did on this topic was
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