when applied to all other characteristics. White people who feel black aren’t black, adults who feel like children aren’t children etc. It is only in this respect that anyone tries to use this argument and vociferously shouts down any dissent from the group whose material 2/
reality has become reduced to a feeling. MacKinnon, when originally writing, didn’t have to contend with this shit because almost everybody knew and accepted what a woman was. The de Beauvoir quote does not equal that males can become female because nobody is ‘born’ a woman 3/
It refers to socially constructed gendered oppression of the female sex. When trans rights were brought in, they were for trans people *as trans people*. In the past 5 years this has morphed into the claim that trans people literally are the sex they ID as well 4/
This only works if you deny that women exist as a sex class. Everything becomes about a mythical identity, despite fact that I would face sex discrimination even if I identified as male. Rejection of female erasure is not anti-feminist in the slightest. Quite the opposite 5/5
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