Hello from another week of hell in state legislatures where attacks on trans youth continue. And somehow trans athletes have been positioned as one of the greatest threats we face as a country. Which, has to be false always, but perhaps especially now. Here is what is happening.
An anti-trans athlete bill has passed out of committee in the Mississippi Senate. The bill would impose intrusive sex verification on all women and girl athletes and bar trans & intersex athletes from sport. SB 2536 http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/documents/2021/html/SB/2500-2599/SB2536CS.htm
South Dakota's anti-trans birth certificate bill, HB 1076, will likely be heard in Senate committee sometime this week. It passed the House last week - even after being voted down in committee. Another gratuitous attack on trans people. https://legiscan.com/SD/bill/HB1076/2021
North Dakota's anti-trans sports bill was heard in committee last week but has yet to be voted on. It remains pending. HB 1298. https://www.legis.nd.gov/assembly/67-2021/bill-video/bv1298.html
If you live in state with anti-trans legislation pending, contact your state rep and senator and let them know you oppose the legislation. You can look up your state reps here: https://openstates.org/find_your_legislator/
This week we also have had to endure a "campaign" launched by several high profile cis women to propose a "compromise" solution on trans sports participation. It is a dystopian and extreme proposal that is somehow being cast as "fair".
Their proposal includes a recommendation for separate trans sports teams (excuse me?), banning most trans people, and a matrix of bodily regulation of trans bodies. It is a dangerous a proposal that is going to hurt all youth athletes.
It also casts "trans people" and ADF and other far right anti-trans groups as two equal "extremes". They do not speak for most cis women and represent an outlier view among women's sports advocates.
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