Hot take for all the evolutionary biologists and psychologists out there: Human estrous/ovulation is not hidden/concealed. We just wear clothes and chimpanzees do not.
You have classrooms full of ovulators who are listening to this so-called "concealed ovulation" in humans and all this speculation as to how it evolved but they can't object because it means talking the real-talk about their monthly discharge to their professor and classmates.
And, what, a woman is going to have to go "study" monthly discharge and publish on it in order for this whole conversation about the evolution of human sexual behavior to improve?
Oh my we go further...
Because I think some onlookers read "monthly discharge" as a euphemism for menstruation, which is just a big no. Here is what I'm talking about: ovulation-related ooze. Yes!
"These “slippery days” are your fertile (unsafe) days, when you’re the most likely to get pregnant."

no idea when she's ovulating, eh?
And gah... this thread isn't about understanding what ovulation means or even understanding it's linked to pregnancy and babies. Just that there is a change and it is detectable and can encourage sexual activity at the time when fertility is highest.
Even if the only change is "no longer bleeding... hooray!" but also, natural lube.
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