Dulu before datang UK, selalu fikir cemana la Malaysian yg bersalin kat UK. Mesti mahal kan?

Sebenarnya free je bersalin kat UK! Alhamdulillah, now im 8 months pregnant,  & this is my UK pregnancy journey 💗
1/Kos bersalin di UK di gov hosp is free! Sebab masa apply visa, kita akan bayar sekali medical insurance or NHS (National Health Service). Kiranya NHS ni mcm KKM la kalau kat Malaysia. In our case, we (husb & wife) paid almost RM13k (for visa & NHS) for 2 years.
2/Dekat UK ada buku pink tak? Takde. 

Once kita register dengan NHS, kita akn dpt CHI no. Dekat Scotland nama dia CHI no. (Community health index number) or dekat England & Wales nama dia NHS number.
Number ni unique utk setiap org yg registered with NHS. Number ni akan hold semua health record kita. So kat UK mmg takde buku pink. Tiap kali midwife appointment, NHS akan save semua health record under my CHI number. So anything dia key in dlm system, semua under the same CHI
3/Mcm ini contoh gov hosp dekat UK. 1 pt per room w attached bathroom. Alhamdulillah suami masih teman bersalin waktu covid ni 🙏

⬇️LR at Manchester University Hospital (pic Google)
4/Kalau kat Malaysia, mmg mostly akan pilih beranak kat hosp kan? Kat UK, diberi 3 pilihan tempat:

1-kat rumah/home birth 

2-birth centre/midwifery centre

I boleh pilih nak beranak kat mana so, i pilih hospital sebab facilities lengkap & in case of emergency, ada doc. Dekat rumah i ada 3 hospital. So i pilih hosp yg rating paling baik & booking hospital siap2 masa 1st antenatal appointment
Hanya low risk pregnancy je boleh bersalin dekat rumah or birth centre. Kalau high risk mmg kena kena beranak kat hospital.

Mostly dekat sini prefer water birth dekat rumah, tp since covid, mostly prefer water birth at hospital 🤗
6/Nurse garang tak kat UK? takk, baik sangat! Dorang panggil I, love, darling. "Have a seat, Love", "we're done now, darling". Mostly mmg midwife semua mulut manissss! Hahaha. So i enjoy je semua check up, alhamdulillah 🙏☺

Dekat UK, dorang offer 2 kali baby scan. During 12th week & 20 weeks (detail scan). Yup kat sini nak buat detail scan percuma je. If baby ada masalah, dia akan offer other scan ikut baby's condition 

⬇️ my baby's scan🥰
8/whopping cough & flu vaccine 

Waktu pregnant jugak i 2 kali kena cucuk vaccine. Lagi2 sebab i pregnant during winter, so mmg midwife encourage utk amik flu jab.
Eh, korang ada apa2 lagi tak nak tahu pasal pregnant dekat UK? Tanyalah taw. Nanti i cuba jawab 🤗
I ada cuba buat youtube video taw. Jemput tengok & subscribe kalau sudi 🙈🙏⬇️

I dah start share jugak my pregnancy journey dekat ig,

Boleh follow twitter @ezzahnor & dekat ig http://instagram.com/ezzahnor 

& subscribe youtube i 🙆‍♀️🥰⤵️
9/ Utk setiap baby yg lahir di Scotland, gov Scotland akn bagi 1 kotak hadiah besar or nama dia Scotland Babybox! Dalam babybox ni ada baby essentials dari newborn sampai 6 bln. Ada babywear, baby grooming kit, mcm2 even kotak mcm babycot utk baby boleh tido dlm tu. Cool kan 😎
Kami baru terima Scotland babybox harini, alhamdulillah 🙏 😊

Sebulan sebelum due date, gov Scotland akan pos babybkx ni ke rumah. Soooo excited to unbox!!
Korang nak tengok tak isi dlm dia?😍
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