Nginx has a service mesh too. Is it any good?

Let's find out.

Most service meshes use Envoy as a proxy and for good reasons:

1. It's fully open-source
2. It can be customised on-the-fly via an API
3. It can be extended

Is there a service mesh without Envoy? Of course!

The best example is @Linkerd that uses a custom proxy written in Rust.

Linkerd is smaller and more focussed but it is also slower to add features.

And now there's a new entry: @nginx

But isn't Nginx one of those products not fully open-source proxies?

Yes it is, but they made an exception.

When you run the Nginx Service Mesh you can use Nginx Plus (the paid product) as a proxy for free.

Great isn't it?

How does the meshwork?

There are four main components:

- The API
- SPIRE (cert authority)
- NATS (message broker)
- Nginx Plus as a proxy

Grafana, Prometheus and Zipkin are automatically installed too.

Ok, but how do you run it?

You can find my step-by-step instructions on how to get the mesh running locally on minikube.

If you install the bookshop demo apps, you can inspect the mesh metrics in grafana, Prometheus, and jaeger.

Now the real question, is it good?

Short answer: I don't know. More testing is required.

However, I collected some pros and cons.

Let's start with the "not so good" parts.

And now the PROs.

That's it!

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