Just putting it out there but I really think the Labor party’s controlling idea for the next election should be “Let’s aim higher”. Scott Morrison is such a “near enough is good enough” leader and we are at a moment where that’s actually not good enough. /1
A “Let’s aim higher” case line leads to lots of obvious policies: higher wages, higher conditions, higher rates for jobseekers, higher standards for politicians, higher standards for health and education, higher targets for climate change. /2
But perhaps most crucially, it skewers Morrison. He’s a low-road guy. He’s all about low standards amongst his colleagues, low pay, lazy work ethic, it’ll do attitude. If Labor wants to win the aspirational outer suburbs, it can’t be an zero sum “our side/your side” frame. /3
Needs to be a message of hope about how the next decade unfolds for Australia. Scott Morrison literally doesn’t want to aim for higher wages, higher job seeker, high climate target, higher standards for politicians. Why not make that what the election is all about? /end
Also - for those saying the Libs will just say "hIghEr tAxEs", that's true, but the response is "Higher tax is inevitable. Blame the pandemic, blame Morrison. Either way, unless we aim higher than him and grow our way out of this disaster, we're passing the debt onto our kids"
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